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Attitude indicator?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2020
Blue Mountains, Australia
I have just watched an interesting video ( which shows how to ascertain wind speeds at altitude. The author is using GO4 where there is a function to display the attitude on the drone.
I could not find this in the FLY app. Did I miss it or is it not included in FLY?
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Would you be talking about the radar icon area in the lower left corner of the screen in the Go4 app?
I have just watched an interesting video ( which shows how to ascertain wind speeds at altitude. The author is using GO4 where there is a function to display the attitude on the drone.
I could not find this in the FLY app. Did I miss it or is it not included in FLY?
The screen display in the Fly app is simplified and leaves out a few things.
If you want to check wind speed while flying it's not hard.
Note where the wind is coming from and try flying directly into the wind.
See how much slower the drone flies than it's normal still air top speed.
That's how fast the wind is and you now know how fast you can fly against it if you find yourself downwind and fighting to come home.
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Would you be talking about the radar icon area in the lower left corner of the screen in the Go4 app?
I don't think so. The author (of the video) states "tap the icon at top right of screen to see attitude indicator" and you don't actually see him do that BUT the icon at top right (in video) looks like the 'settings' icon (I don't have GO4 so can only go by what I see in the video).
HOWEVER I then went to the GO4 (online) manual and searched for attitude indicator and this is what is shows (in the GO4 manual) -
IMU (Inertia Measurement Unit): Basically this is a barometer and a gyroscope used by the drone to see its attitude and angle when flying. If DJI Go 4 prompts you to recalibrate it, follow the onscreen instructions.

Aha says I. There is an IMU in the FLY app, I wonder if it's the same (surely yes) but NO there is NO reference to attitude indicator in the FLY manual.
Unfortunately the attitude indicator is absent in the FLY app. This is a BIG problem at least for me because I can no longer tell the direction and speed of wind on the craft's side. Blow away is now harder to avoid.
The screen display in the Fly app is simplified and leaves out a few things.
If you want to check wind speed while flying it's not hard.
Note where the wind is coming from and try flying directly into the wind.
See how much slower the drone flies than it's normal still air top speed.
That's how fast the wind is and you now know how fast you can fly against it if you find yourself downwind and fighting to come home.
I can understand that but you can't get an indication of the wind strength when it comes from the side AND wouldn't it be nice to have an attitude indicator in FLY so that you actually see what the drone is doing when hovering? Could this be a future upgrade? It would be nice.
How can we put this on DJI's FLY 'wish list'?
I don't think so. The author (of the video) states "tap the icon at top right of screen to see attitude indicator" and you don't actually see him do that BUT the icon at top right (in video) looks like the 'settings' icon (I don't have GO4 so can only go by what I see in the video).
HOWEVER I then went to the GO4 (online) manual and searched for attitude indicator and this is what is shows (in the GO4 manual) -
IMU (Inertia Measurement Unit): Basically this is a barometer and a gyroscope used by the drone to see its attitude and angle when flying. If DJI Go 4 prompts you to recalibrate it, follow the onscreen instructions.

Aha says I. There is an IMU in the FLY app, I wonder if it's the same (surely yes) but NO there is NO reference to attitude indicator in the FLY manual.
Actually what's commonly called the radar display in the Go app, is also the attitude indicator.
It looks like this:

And the IMU is in the drone, not the app.
I can understand that but you can't get an indication of the wind strength when it comes from the side AND wouldn't it be nice to have an attitude indicator in FLY so that you actually see what the drone is doing when hovering? Could this be a future upgrade? It would be nice.
The method I gave tells you how to determine the wind speed.
I can't see why having the wind from the side makes any difference.
BTW this part is wrong. If the craft tilts to the left, the horizon should tilt to the right in the attitude indicator

I can't see why having the wind from the side makes any difference.
If I encounter strong wind from ANY side I will want to change altitude and/or RH quickly to avoid a possible 'fly away'. Wind speed at takeoff altitude can be a LOT lighter than high up which may not be in the 'shadow' of objects which reduce the wind speed (trees, buildings).
For me it is a safety thing.
If I encounter strong wind from ANY side I will want to change altitude and/or RH quickly to avoid a possible 'fly away'. Wind speed at takeoff altitude can be a LOT lighter than high up which may not be in the 'shadow' of objects which reduce the wind speed (trees, buildings).
For me it is a safety thing.
You can use the method I suggested to identify the wind speed at whatever altitude you choose.
There's no reason to use the expression "flyaway" if you are talking about putting the drone into a wind that's strong enough to blow it away.
If you test the wind speed as I explained, you shouldn't have any surprises.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the fly app tells you about high wind speed via a verbal message.
The drone will rth if wind is a problem automatically.
This is a built in intelligent system that calculates your distance against battery power
Also it tells you to descend to avoid high wind speeds.
I know its not a actual wind speed indicator but in my opinion what more do you need.

Cheers Mel
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You can use the method I suggested to identify the wind speed at whatever altitude you choose.
There's no reason to use the expression "flyaway" if you are talking about putting the drone into a wind that's strong enough to blow it away.
If you test the wind speed as I explained, you shouldn't have any surprises.
Thanks, I will try that BUT there can be 'eddies' at ground level which makes it a bit more difficult to determine wind direction higher up.
It seems the best suggestion so I will try it.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, I will try that BUT there can be 'eddies' at ground level which makes it a bit more difficult to determine wind direction higher up.
Only if you are flying in complicated terrain.
If you are out in the open, you won't find any significant differences in wind direction at the altitudes that drones use.
Thanks Mel
I completely missed that as all I could find in the manual is -
"The aircraft may not be able to return to a Home Point if the wind speed is too high. Fly with caution". Nothing about verbal warnings.
So far I have only ventured out when there is no wind at all.
I know its not a actual wind speed indicator but in my opinion what more do you need.
You need to understand the direction of teh wind and not fly off downwind which will force you to fight against the wind to come home.
If the wind is strong and you try flying upwind, you quickly learn of a potential problem while it's still easy to come home.
If you only find out when the drone is a long way downwind with battery running low, you might learn an expensive lesson.
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Thanks Mel
I completely missed that as all I could find in the manual is -
"The aircraft may not be able to return to a Home Point if the wind speed is too high. Fly with caution". Nothing about verbal warnings.
So far I have only ventured out when there is no wind at all.
The message you have quoted is a verbal one I think
Plus the controller vibrates
Not 100% sure as it's only happened once to me when i was on a beach.
But don't panic descend and rth if need be.
The drone will rth if wind is a problem automatically.
..... This is a built in intelligent system ......
Intelligent or stupid I dont know..... I dont have the MA2 but there has been reports from owners that there were still more than 50% battery after landing. In another case the drone suggested RTH when there were 90% battery.

I prefer acquiring an accurate understanding of the situation and make my own judgement. The lack of the attitude indicator on the FLY app is a big drawback.
Only if you are flying in complicated terrain.
It can happen in very simple terrain. At water front in sunny weather, the wind is often from water to land because of thermals. Out over the water at good height, the wind can be in any direction.
Intelligent or stupid I dont know..... I dont have the MA2 but there has been reports from owners that there were still more than 50% battery after landing. In another case the drone suggested RTH when there were 90% battery.

I prefer acquiring an accurate understanding of the situation and make my own judgement. The lack of the attitude indicator on the FLY app is a big drawback.
Having not had the said indicator your on about I can't comment on its usage
I'm just trying to tell op about the options available on the ma2.
Personally if the wind is a problem at launch site I won't fly.
It can happen in very simple terrain. At water front in sunny weather, the wind is often from water to land because of thermals. Out over the water at good height, the wind can be in any direction.
I've been living close to the sea, sailing and flying on it for many years and never seen what you are describing.
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