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Attitude indicator?

It can happen in very simple terrain. At water front in sunny weather, the wind is often from water to land because of thermals. Out over the water at good height, the wind can be in any direction.
Intelligent or stupid I dont know..... I dont have the MA2 but there has been reports from owners that there were still more than 50% battery after landing. In another case the drone suggested RTH when there were 90% battery.

I prefer acquiring an accurate understanding of the situation and make my own judgement. The lack of the attitude indicator on the FLY app is a big drawback.
I have the ma2
Have only had the high wind warning once 2 minutes after take off
Dropped altitude and was fine
No need to worry about looking at the screen for wind speed or direction.
All done automatically.
I'd rather have it this way because I can be looking at the drone and not the screen all the time which if I'm correct is what you are meant to be doing
I've been living close to the sea, sailing and flying on it for many years and never seen what you are describing.
I'm a beach fisherman and have been for a long time
Never come across this either
I'm a beach fisherman and have been for a long time
Never come across this either

I am a paragliding pilot and for more than a decade I have been watching the wind speed at 20+ weather stations spread over this small place. This is my observation.
I am a paragliding pilot and for more than a decade I have been watching the wind speed at 20+ weather stations spread over this small place. This is my observation.
So you're talking about winds being deflected by coastal landforms?
So you're talking about winds being deflected by coastal landforms?

I am talking about thermal wind created by the sun heating the land and then the air :


This kind of wind is localized to the shoreline. Further out and up above, the wind direction is determined by the background wind over a much larger area.
display the attitude on the drone.
It's interesting . With aircraft you adjust for a xwind by crabbing. putting in a wind correction angle. The drone just uses bank to correct for the crosswind as you would do before touchdown while landing. If the wind exceeds the allowed bank angle the drone will drift. With the attitude indicator you can tell that you're drifting because of wind and not a control problem.
Of course we don't fly xcountry's with drones and never allow them out of sight so we don't need to know why the drone is pointed one way and moving another :rolleyes:
Airdata is great for showing the winds that effected your flight but You have to be one step beyond the free level. Terrain features can cause really strong wind effects..Venturi effects etc.
Wind shears below a thousand feet are more common than you might believe and of course surface friction has a slowing effect near the ground. ...some of the time.
Thanks everyone.
Right now this month (August) is usually VERY windy (and has been) where I live with most days UAV (a great app) forecasting wind in my area more than 20kph (6 m/s) between 9am and 4pm which keeps me from flying.
I know that the MA2 can fly up tp 68kph but I would rather be safe than sorry.
Right now this month (August) is usually VERY windy (and has been) where I live with most days UAV (a great app) forecasting wind in my area more than 20kph (6 m/s) between 9am and 4pm
I would suggest that a 20 km/h wind is not a real issue and should cause no problens if you make sure you fly into the wind rather than going off downwind.
But when I check my go-to weather site, it looks like you're copping quite a bit more than 20 km/hr and it's probably a good idea to stay grounded for a bit.
Yes the weather bureau forecast damaging winds today in our area today and tomorrow at least 30kph and not going down (to 20kph or less) until Monday.
I have just watched an interesting video ( which shows how to ascertain wind speeds at altitude. The author is using GO4 where there is a function to display the attitude on the drone.
I could not find this in the FLY app. Did I miss it or is it not included in FLY?
Is the UAV app not useful to address the issue of wind direction and speed in the area one is flying?
Is the UAV app not useful to address the issue of wind direction and speed in the area one is flying?

Too many users assume that it's accurately showing real weather conditions where they are.
But it's just a forecast and there are many reasons why the forecast can be very different from the actual conditions at your location.
Too many users assume that it's accurately showing real weather conditions where they are.
But it's just a forecast and there are many reasons why the forecast can be very different from the actual conditions at your location.
That is extremely true and I only use UAV to get an idea what it MIGHT be like. If UAV indicates wind velocity extremely high and I can hear the wind outside my house I don't go and even when I do, either experience (if the flags are horizontal then definitely no) and/or use of anemometer (or wind sock Thumbswayup) is fundamental, at least at ground level.
Unfortunately the attitude indicator is absent in the FLY app. This is a BIG problem at least for me because I can no longer tell the direction and speed of wind on the craft's side. Blow away is now harder to avoid.
LOL use a app or better yet toss some grass up and see where it go's
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