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Auto vs manual camera mode


Active Member
Feb 18, 2017
Haven't tried manual yet, but it seems to me if you do manual mode with the fixed shutter speed, is always have to be adjusting the EV + or - depending on the light in the shot. Is this correct? Seems like a lot of extra workload on top of just flying the thing.
it seems to me if you do manual mode with the fixed shutter speed, is always have to be adjusting the EV + or - depending on the light in the shot
That's correct. That often produces a better result than allowing the camera to constantly adjust for the light -- which could be very noticeable.
Which brings me to my other thought. How noticeable are the changes in EV are when watching the video?
It all depends on how drastically the lighting changes over the course of the video. Record some test footage using both manual/auto and you'll be able to compare the results.
It all depends on how drastically the lighting changes over the course of the video. Record some test footage using both manual/auto and you'll be able to compare the results.
Will do. Thanks.
Many rely on the post processing to take care of the objectionable changes in EV. I'm one.
Also, remember you can adjust shutter with the right wheel.
Many rely on the post processing to take care of the objectionable changes in EV. I'm one.
Which software are you using for post? I downloaded (bought) Adobe Premier Elements but found it to be lacking in features. So I got a refund.

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