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Basic waypoint program question (not regarding jerky POI tracking)


Active Member
Jul 8, 2019
I set up a basic 3 waypoint program in the DJI Go 4 app. The 3 points make a basic arc and using the Polyline setting.

The heights, speed, and POI for all 3 waypoints are identical. If facing the drone, the program starts from the left, and the drone moves right. Each point is about 20-25 feet apart. The waypoint are 16 feet off the ground, POI is about 20 feet in front at a height of 6 ft.

Problem: When the drone hits the 2nd waypoint, it abruptly tilts left (presumably to stop), and then tilts right (presumably to continue to the next waypoint), and then flattens out to continue to the 3rd waypoint.

Is it typical for the drone to try to stop and start at each waypoint (tilting one way and then the other)? I tried this and 2mph, 5mph, and 8mph. The same behavior for all. Looking online at youtube video, it doesn't seem like others are experiencing this.

I'm hoping I missing a setting somewhere in the DJI GO 4 app. Drone is an M2Z updated to the latest firmware.
Haven't used waypoints in a while however the last time I did the drone would fly smoothly through each waypoint. Sounds like your program has a pause at the waypoint.
Thanks for the response. I have been unable to find any setting with regards to pausing at a waypoint. I have also read topics that users want to pause at a waypoint (eg. to take a picture) but haven't been able to figure out how. Seems like I have the opposite problem.

What you say makes sense. It looks like it's attempting to stop and immediately resume.
Thanks for the response. I have been unable to find any setting with regards to pausing at a waypoint. I have also read topics that users want to pause at a waypoint (eg. to take a picture) but haven't been able to figure out how. Seems like I have the opposite problem.

What you say makes sense. It looks like it's attempting to stop and immediately resume.
Do you have it set for curved turns? I so it should not be stoping at waypoints.
Thanks. Polyline will always "stop" between each point?

I was going to use arc, but with the short overall distance and the minimum of a 3 ft arc caused the expected flight path to show up like zigzags at waypoint #2. Perhaps I should have tried it out with my finger over the stop button in case the drone flew into a tree.
Do you have it set for curved turns? I so it should not be stoping at waypoints.

Is there a curved turns setting while using Polyline? I didn't see one.

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