I am also an old "Litchi User" from Mavic Pro (where I was still able to upload the complete mission before take off) to
Mavic Air 2 and
Mini 2 (with virtual sticks, which almost resulted in shaky flights) to now
Air 3 and
Air 3.
With my
Air 3 and Air 3S I use the RC 2 controller - but planning a mission with my old fingers is really a challenge. So my workflow is as follows:
- using the Litchi Website, I plan my mission on a 27" Monitor with a cup of coffee on my desk to get my mission as precise as possible
- download CSV file from the website
- convert CSV file to KMZ file with mentioned litchiutilities
- upload converted KMZ file to the RC2 controller
Works smooth, and I did this already for the Air 3S (somebody asked if this is possible as well with the Air 3S? -yes).
And yes, unfortunately the Litchi app doesn't work anymore with the
Air 3/ Air 3S due to the lack of an SDK for developers, BUT: DJI Waypoints (or Litchi missions converted to waypoint mission) are MUCH smoother than those "Virtual Sticks" mission with the Litchi App for the DJI
Air 2. In fact I used virtual stick missions only 2 times, as the resulting (shaky) videos were unusable!
One word of caution: it is not possible to create waypoint mission with straight lines:
However, for unknown reasons, DJI's implementation of waypoints in DJI Fly does not allow one to specify either straight lines or curved turns and all waypoint missions created in DJI Fly are executed using curved turns. Therefore, by default, this converter will convert all missions to use curved turns."
(from this website:
Litchi Waypoint Mission to DJI Fly Waypoint Mission Converter )