Puzzled - Me too.... This thing has been very reliable until now. I've flown it without charging ....flight time is short, but all the functions work. I recently re-read the manual and found something about the battery automatically discharging to 75% after 10 days. I would agree with that although I didn't know it was a built-in function.
Back to the confusing parts of the final flight...
1. The Find my drone position and the last entry of the Log Viewer are about 1000 ft apart. Please review the two attached pictures to compare. I know the Find My Drone says "11 hr missing duration. That was me with my buddy's phantom searching for the spark in the same area.
2. The log viewer is only 1:24 sec.... The Log Viewer shows a position that doesn't move from the launch and home position...like I intended. But the video here shows that it is moving. So the log viewer quit but video was still being transmitted.
0-4s - It's moving to the right (South)
4-10s - It pans to point south and is flying forward...also south
10-15s - keep flying forward
15-18s - pan 180 deg...pointing north, but flying backward....again south.
3. I never intended to fly around - certainly not 1000 ft away. I just wanted to go straight up and take some video. To fly South and pan around while Still flying the same heading would require careful stick coordination....certainly I was not doing that!
4. My phone received 3 videos from that flight. The 1st and 3rd are corrupted. The size of the 1st and second (posted in the youtube link) are about the same. The last one is about 1/0 the size so maybe 3 sec. From the landmarks in the video, I would agree with the find my drone position. The real question is whether it fell out of the sky there or did it keep flying for a few more minutes....which would be practically impossible to find.
I'll see if I can have something done about that last video. Any other suggestions?