I was asking if you remember the orientation of the AC prior to launch for this particular flight. The .txt shows it pointing -6.38 degrees. Was that it's actual heading while on the ground? Most times when I fly I have a particular direction I'm gonna wanna go and point it that way before launch.If I understand you correctly you are asking if the direction of the MP on the ground was exactly the same as a the digital compass on screen? Unfortunately this is not a check I can ever recall making because it was my naive assumption the two would always line up. I do a check for a number of things, but I wouldn't check things that are never out of true (by my beginners assumptions). BTW I have calibrated the compass the day before and there was no flag to do this again, although I appreciate it is always good practice.
Often a difference in Yaw vs actual can be seen by looking at the .txt and any lateral movement that results from elevator and/or aileron input. But, your flight didn't have elevator and/or aileron input until the fly away was well under way. If we had the .DAT we could know for sure what happened.
If this incident was caused by ferrous material at the launch site then the compass calibration is unrelated.