Interesting. We get an average of somewhere just under 300 sunny days per year and very few people seem to use solar. If you want to install it in my community, it can't be visible from the street. I wish more people took advantage of it, myself included. Since the hill country area is classified as semi-arid, we definitely have long dry spells and water shortages, so rainwater harvesting is very, very common--which I do take advantage of and have it connected to my home filtration and water supply. For a ridiculously low fee, I am permitted to pump water from the lake for irrigation, but still have to comply with any watering restrictions that might be in effect. The thing I like best about our climate is that we can fly UAVs and go boating pretty much all year round. It hit 82 degrees earlier and I went out on the boat, with my Mavic, but ended up just cruising around since it was mostly cloudy and enjoyed the little bit of sun that popped out now and then.
I made the following picture to demonstrate the climate extremes we "suffer" here, they were taken in the winter, no more than a day or two apart:
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