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Bill HR-2864

4 inch pistons

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2022
eastern NC
I can’t believe no one is talking about this on the board.
At this point in time, it’s just someone’s thought.
If it goes through the house, keyboards will become a bit more active.
No sleep loss for me at the moment.
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I can’t believe no one is talking about this on the board.
There was this thread:
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Gooberment is as Gooberment does.
Not good news

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I still haven’t heard from any actual journalist, law expert, or official summary of the bill that, even if passed, this is an actually a ban on consumers using or purchasing DJI equipment. Best I can tell, and please understand I am not an expert, is this is a bill to add DJI to the FCC covered list.

Being on the covered list isn’t a blanket ban for normal citizens using or purchasing equipment made by the manufacturer like is being reported. The limitations placed on each company on the list are varied and the limitations are specific to a certain type of product for a specific use case. For instance, the limitations for a company called Dahua are limited to:

Video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Dahua Technology Company, to the extent it is used for the purpose of public safety, security of government facilities, physical security surveillance of critical infrastructure, and other national security purposes, including telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entity or using such equipment.”

I can and do buy Dahua equiptment and use it all the time. They make security cameras and I have noticed no difference since they were added to the list. It might make a difference for Government users but not normal private citizens.

So from what I can gather this bill would need to come up for a vote which is unlikely, pass the house, pass the senate, be signed into law, and then there’s still a good possibility that it won’t even matter for use non-government folks.
"An extensive security audit, led by the acclaimed cybersecurity team at Booz Allen Hamilton..."

The same acclaimed cybersecurity team that hired and trained Edward Snowden and let him walk out of their top secret secure facility with a thumb drive containing NSA's "keys to the kingdom."

Just for the record.

You have to wonder how much of this attempted DJI-banning paranoia has come from behind the scenes lobbying of politicians as was shown in Florida recently.
People complain about the lack of competition for DJI in the drone space, so somehow this gives some politicians a desire to go out and level the playing field, and usually when that happens, the whole space suffers, because the "aided" competition was never that great to begin with and it does not really help them improve either.

There is no reason why American Drone companies could not compete better with DJI if they set their minds to it. But for whatever reason, it never seems to happen.
I can’t believe no one is talking about this on the board.
I sent an email to my Congressional Rep for my area about this. He hasn't replied yet. I'm not worried about it as it is written. My concern is that it gets tagged into another more popular Bill that will pass without being read. Kinda like ObamaCare, there were a lot of Mini-Bills in that one.
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They shouldn't get rid of DJI.:mad: Using DJI products for my drone company is my main source of income. I know several others that are in the same boat.
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They shouldn't get rid of DJI.:mad: Using DJI products for my drone company is my main source of income. I know several others that are in the same boat.
Sorry buddy, Gooberment doesn’t care. Drone owners are not a big enough voting block to impact their election. Gooberment will always attack minority interest groups and low tax revenue groups.
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Sorry buddy, Gooberment doesn’t care. Drone owners are not a big enough voting block to impact their election. Gooberment will always attack minority interest groups and low tax revenue groups.
Really? Maybe you need to rethink this. Look at the Pacific coast states.
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Really? Maybe you need to rethink this. Look at the Pacific coast states.
I can only site my experience over the last 50 years. It has nothing to do with what they say and all to do with what they do.
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Exactly what I am speaking of.
Having never lived on the Pacific coast this makes no sense. My experience would not be inclusive of whatever you speak of. To attempt to research what they did would be fruitless as it would yield nothing more than perspective, opinion, and propaganda. I'll have to trust you in your statement that they did something out of the ordinary. If true, it would be refreshing.
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