I searched a bit, didn't find what I want to know, so here goes: I know that, when battery start showing the bulge, the end is near... At least, that's what I picked up browsing the net. Still, if the bulging isn't VERY noticeable, is there ANY way to continue to use those batteries any longer? I have three Mavic Air batteries, one is brand new, one is... Well, OK (slightest amount of bulging starting to show) and the third is showing the belly nicely. I wasn't trying to open the casing, puncture the cells te release the gas, nothing like that, although it was "sugested" by few YouTubers, just wandering... The heavily bulged battery still charges normally, capacity seems OK, but when I try to insert it into the Mavic Air, it barely fits, I need to press down on it harder for it to lock. Mavic Air turns on and everything, just, I don't trust that battery anymore, so I'm not fling that one anymore. I'm guessing it's a chemical reaction, resulting in physical appearance, and ther's no software way to go to try to salvage it. So... Recycle? Man, those things are not cheap...