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I wouldn't recommend APAS to a beginner. Better off OA stopping the AC from proceeding further into the obstacle than it attempting to maneuver around the obstacle and goofing up, or pilot get confused with AC going against what pilot expects.
Learning APAS when you are first learning is better than OA in my opinion because it requires that you familiarize yourself with the AC.

Learn to fly without looking at the screen at all... So you don't have to use any sort of OA.

I fly in Sport mode 99% of the time, but that doesn't mean I'm always flying at 40 mph.
I would definitely not recommend sport mode until after a good 10 flights.
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Thanks for all the reply's. I just charged up the other two batteries and put them in the mavic, (one at a time of course), in a minute the software said it had a firmware update for each one. Lots of firmware updates.. Still taking it slow.
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Buy from Amazon. Better return and customer service policies.

But... DO IT!

You won't be disappointed
Buy from Amazon. Better return and customer service policies.

But... DO IT!

You won't be disappointed
I bought my MA2 from Amazon. When I got it the controller wouldn't work and I got ahold of Amazon and returned everything to them and they shipped me a new one (as the one one was on the way). They just couldn't replace the controller on it's own. But I got the new one and everything set up perfectly. I love my MA2
I'm not sure/remember what APAS stands for, but what it does is automatically maneuver around obstacles rather than stop when encountered.
OA = Obstacle Avoidance
AC = Aircraft

With OA on (default) and APAS off (also default), the AC will stop if too close to an obstacle rather than trying to go around it when APAS is on. As a new flier, better that the pilot is warned about an approaching obstacle then stopped if too close, than going off in a direction unexpected by the pilot, or worse yet maneuver around one obstacle, only to hit another during the automated maneuver.
That happened to me when my M2 avoided the corner of a roof, only to run into a power wire going to the building.
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October 13-14 is Amazon Prime Days if you are a prime member. Not sure if it's gonna be marked down or not. Just a thought.
You won’t be disappointed at all. Love the MA2. Like the others said, go slow. I came from the Spark and normal mode is a hell of a lot faster, lol. It is so smooth to fly. Enjoy your new toy
First flight was today. Flying was successful ! But...use of camera...not so much. Maybe it was the sun on the iphone screen. I will try again...maybe just practice. Anyway, I took the sc card an put it a fast reader and found some interesting file types. For the camera, there was .DNG, and .JPG and .MOV. I know about jpg and mov. and i think dng is like a raw version? Then I see a GIS folder, an IDX folder and a THM folder along with an item labeled IDX_BLOCK. Not sure about those last four.
First flight was today. Flying was successful ! But...use of camera...not so much. Maybe it was the sun on the iphone screen. I will try again...maybe just practice. Anyway, I took the sc card an put it a fast reader and found some interesting file types. For the camera, there was .DNG, and .JPG and .MOV. I know about jpg and mov. and i think dng is like a raw version? Then I see a GIS folder, an IDX folder and a THM folder along with an item labeled IDX_BLOCK. Not sure about those last four.

Tip for your phone screen: Stand in the shade.
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I know this and I tried to sheild phone with my body, but was too busy watching the drone, and manuvering him. I will get it right.

When you manage to get the sun off the screen, all you see is a reflection of yourself!

I got the DJI shield and it helps a lot.
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They are selling it quickly because are now compatible with the Smart Controller.
Best Buy will add warranty as well. I will get it.
I bought mine at Best Buy, I like to be able to look at someone when your doing warranty work (that is if you have one near you).
Amazon's great but something this experience and technical I would rather deal with aa actual person, just me.

Either way, the sooner the better.

Good luck!
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