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BVLOS Reg Suggestion


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
Flying BVLOS can be dangerous. Obviously, people are doing this regardless of possibility of a number of unsafe situations. Drone capabilities are just getting better. People are not going to stop flying BVLOS.

I propose some straightforward regulation that will allow BVLOS if certain conditions are met. This only works if manufacturers/DIY's start equipping drones with mode C transponders (altitude encoding position reporting). It's as simple as filing a flight plan like you would do for 91.153 for VFR full scale aircraft, with some changes for sUAS.

sUAS VFR flight plan:

(a)Information required. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person filing a sUAS flight plan shall include in it the following information:

(1) The sUAS identification number and, operator's phone number/radio callsign.

(2) The type of the aircraft.

(3) The full name and address of the sUAS pilot in command

(4) The point and proposed time of departure.

(5) The proposed end to end route, cruising altitude, and groundspeed at that altitude.

(6) All points of intended hover and the estimated elapsed time until over that point.

(7) The amount of battery capacity on board (in minutes) as well as number of batteries to be used.

(8) The purpose of the proposed flight

(9) Any other information the pilot in command or ATC believes is necessary for ATC purposes.

(b)Cancellation. When a flight plan has been activated, the pilot in command, upon canceling or completing the flight under the flight plan, shall notify an FAA Flight Service Station or ATC facility.

Any suggestions or comments are encouraged!
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Flying BVLOS can be dangerous. Obviously, people are doing this regardless of possibility of a number of unsafe situations. Drone capabilities are just getting better. People are not going to stop flying BVLOS.

I propose some straightforward regulation that will allow BVLOS if certain conditions are met. This only works if manufacturers/DIY's start equipping drones with mode C transponders (altitude encoding position reporting). It's as simple as filing a flight plan like you would do for 91.153 for VFR full scale aircraft, with some changes for sUAS.

sUAS VFR flight plan:

(a)Information required. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person filing a sUAS flight plan shall include in it the following information:

(1) The sUAS identification number and, operator's phone number/radio callsign.

(2) The type of the aircraft.

(3) The full name and address of the sUAS pilot in command

(4) The point and proposed time of departure.

(5) The proposed end to end route, cruising altitude, and groundspeed at that altitude.

(6) All points of intended hover and the estimated elapsed time until over that point.

(7) The amount of battery capacity on board (in minutes) as well as number of batteries to be used.

(8) The purpose of the proposed flight

(9) Any other information the pilot in command or ATC believes is necessary for ATC purposes.

(b)Cancellation. When a flight plan has been activated, the pilot in command, upon canceling or completing the flight under the flight plan, shall notify an FAA Flight Service Station or ATC facility.

Any suggestions or comments are encouraged!

The very first paragraph pretty well negates the rest of your post. People flying BVLOS are gonna still do it whether regulations are enacted or not.
What other part of aviation flies BVLOS? Right off hand I can't think of any. So why should drones be allowed to?
Hacks to disable transponders will be all over the internet 5 minutes after the regulation goes into effect.
I will fully agree with you that something needs to be done. I would like to see someone start a thread that would show politicians what drone owners would like to see written into regulations. Nationwide. Written where everyone, everywhere can understand and follow. Not different laws for different states and localities.
Owners had better get onboard pretty soon before everywhere becomes a NFZ. Just my 2 pennies worth.
Certified collision avoidance is required. They could care less about most of the list.
ADS-B would do the job

The very first paragraph pretty well negates the rest of your post. People flying BVLOS are gonna still do it whether regulations are enacted or not.
What other part of aviation flies BVLOS? Right off hand I can't think of any. So why should drones be allowed to?
Hacks to disable transponders will be all over the internet 5 minutes after the regulation goes into effect.
I will fully agree with you that something needs to be done. I would like to see someone start a thread that would show politicians what drone owners would like to see written into regulations. Nationwide. Written where everyone, everywhere can understand and follow. Not different laws for different states and localities.
Owners had better get onboard pretty soon before everywhere becomes a NFZ. Just my 2 pennies worth.

well then if you didn't follow the rules then it's on you. If you did your best to fly safe and cover your ***, that should be enough to not get you prosecuted if your drone hits a low flying full size ac/heli
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ADS-B would do the job

well then if you didn't follow the rules then it's on you. If you did your best to fly safe and cover your ***, that should be enough to not get you prosecuted if your drone hits a low flying full size ac/heli

I would hope you are right on the not being prosecuted, but we all know how lawyers can twist things when big money is behind them.

I would not be surprised if "proof of insurance", license to fly, minimum age limit, background checks, etc. are in rules and regs for drone buying and flying. Someone will be calling drones assault weapons.
Laws are made to keep honest people honest. Laws won't do anything for the rest of the population bent on being professional idiots.
ADS-B would do the job

well then if you didn't follow the rules then it's on you. If you did your best to fly safe and cover your ***, that should be enough to not get you prosecuted if your drone hits a low flying full size ac/heli
In today's world, if a drone and a manned aircraft collide, there will be a prosecution. You can bet on it.
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