I've had my Mavic Pro for a tad over 2 months now and everything has been working just fine until just recently.
Problem? Video Pixel lag and distortion.
Was unit in a crash? No
What have you tried so far?
Calibrating everything more than 3 times. I've been finding all the tutorials on-line and have talked with more experienced drone pilots. I've studied extensively all the possibilities IE: power settings, gimbal settings, ISO settings etc, etc,
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)? Android phone
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? DJI latest firmware updated
What Go app version are you using? DJI Mavic Pro
Any modification? (if so what) no
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) At the suggestion of re-installing the app to maybe see if that worked....No, it didn't change anything.
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link) I could but I need to create the problem again. I think the explanation speaks for itself....
What I've found:
When I download the sim card video onto my home computer I notice that the Drone video has "NO" distortion, so I assumed that it was a transmission problem. I flew and researched further and found that when I fly with the sim card (that came with the unit) with just over 6 minutes of previous video data, when I go to fly with or without camera on, the phone screen is smearing or having pixel lag for lack of a better term.
When I clear the Sim card data onto my computer and then go fly gain, all the pixel lag goes away until I fly and put about 6 minutes of video recording back onto the sim card.
I found one pilot who touched on video speed feed to the phone and he suggested going with a larger 64 GB sim card. He didn't however specifically talk about pixel distortion so I'm not sure if I'm on the right track but so far....it seems to be the answer.
I've heard other rumors to it being the Android but the phone works just fine until the current factory given sim card has less than 10 minutes on it. I want to ask if this has been an issue before with anyone or if I'm just imagining things.
Or....whats the fix? Thanks
Problem? Video Pixel lag and distortion.
Was unit in a crash? No
What have you tried so far?
Calibrating everything more than 3 times. I've been finding all the tutorials on-line and have talked with more experienced drone pilots. I've studied extensively all the possibilities IE: power settings, gimbal settings, ISO settings etc, etc,
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)? Android phone
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? DJI latest firmware updated
What Go app version are you using? DJI Mavic Pro
Any modification? (if so what) no
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) At the suggestion of re-installing the app to maybe see if that worked....No, it didn't change anything.
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link) I could but I need to create the problem again. I think the explanation speaks for itself....
What I've found:
When I download the sim card video onto my home computer I notice that the Drone video has "NO" distortion, so I assumed that it was a transmission problem. I flew and researched further and found that when I fly with the sim card (that came with the unit) with just over 6 minutes of previous video data, when I go to fly with or without camera on, the phone screen is smearing or having pixel lag for lack of a better term.
When I clear the Sim card data onto my computer and then go fly gain, all the pixel lag goes away until I fly and put about 6 minutes of video recording back onto the sim card.
I found one pilot who touched on video speed feed to the phone and he suggested going with a larger 64 GB sim card. He didn't however specifically talk about pixel distortion so I'm not sure if I'm on the right track but so far....it seems to be the answer.
I've heard other rumors to it being the Android but the phone works just fine until the current factory given sim card has less than 10 minutes on it. I want to ask if this has been an issue before with anyone or if I'm just imagining things.
Or....whats the fix? Thanks