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All sensors use interpolation during the demosaicing precess but the quad Bayer filter has to do more because different color pixels are further apart from each other.Just to be clear the Mavic Air 2 doesn't use interpolation for its 48MP output as it does genuinely have 48 megapixels but they're extremely small and a different layout to a normal bayer sensor with the intention that it behaves similar to a 12MP but with improvements.
My first full frame camera was the 12MP Nikon D700 and I'd still take its output over most cameras, these days I'm still only on 25MP for my full frame cameras as I did try a 42MP Sony but I wasn't getting the benefit from the higher resolution which can take quite a bit of work to take advantage of.
“...a 12MP sensor, for example, has 6 million pixels that see green, and 3 million pixels each for red and blue. Green gets more pixels because the human eye is the most sensitive to that color. An algorithm called demosaicing is used to interpolate a full 12MP resolution image...
In a Quad Bayer filter, the pixels of different color are further apart, so demosaicing is less effective (despite what makers claim). So, you’re definitely not getting 4x the detail in 48MP mode than you do in 12MP” (Quad Bayer sensors: what they are and what they are not)