Droning on and on...
Well-Known Member
This is a bit of an old thread, but I'm going to chime in for the benefit (amusement?) of others who may come across the thread.
My biggest concern with using the drone as a hand-held gimbal would be that it may still be detected as a drone by drone scanning tools that could be used by, for example, law enforcement or medivac flights. Even when not in flight, handheld use of the drone relies on it being in communication with the controller in order to start recording the video and monitoring it, and that means its radio signals could be picked up by such tools. So it could conceivably interfere with the ability for such flights to save lives.
This may be overthinking it, nevertheless I'd exercise caution and avoid using the drone this way if I was aware of any such nearby activity.
Good call, you're over thinking it.

The radio transmissions from a consumer drone present absolutely no interference risk to other aircraft in flight. None at all.
The concern about drones and First Responder flights is physical interference, distraction, and collision.