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Childhood's End


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2021
Carson City, NV, USA
Today I put my FPV into Sport Mode for the first time. I have moved into the Twilight Zone, where strange things are common...

First of all, the thing is blazing fast. In Normal Mode, I could get about 32 mph flat out. In Sport Mode, it will climb straight up at 32 mph, and cruise along at 62 mph.

I had been getting lower and closer to things in Normal Mode, to the point that I was pretty comfortable with that. Moving to Sport Mode, my self-training includes going higher again, and staying farther away from things.

My CanyonBall Run consists of going out to the creek, and then screaming down the canyon until the control signal starts to get weak. The creek itself is about -150 ft ATL, and there are numerous 100+ft tress lining the canyon. My Normal Mode training started with doing The Run at 350 ATL, just to get the feel for the machine. I gradually lowered that to 300 ft, then 250 ft, until my last Normal Mode FPV flight, which was down to 70 ft ATL. “Ridge Running” along the opposite wall of the canyon has become one of my favorite pastimes.

So for my Sport Mode training, I bumped the test runs first back up to 300 ft ATL, then dropped back to 200 ft ATL on the second flight. When I turned after one to get over the ridge, it got up and over it right now.

It’s definitely much louder in Sport Mode. I can hear it a lot farther away than I could in Normal Mode. Even though I’m not flying over any houses at all, the sound tends to reverberate around the canyon, so I need to stay aware of that.

Sport Mode gobbles up battery power at an indescribable rate, compared to Normal Mode. I’ll need to integrate that into my real-time power management. If I could only get one change to this FPV, it would be greatly enhanced battery capacity. Also, the “minutes remaining” battery indicator is way too pessimistic, compared to the battery % remaining indicator. I suspect it’s intentionally pessimistic, but once I adapt to that, I’ll have more useful flying time for each launch, by at least a minute or two.

My plan to just fly with the one battery for a while, couldn’t survive its first encounter with Sport Mode. My Fly More kit is on the way, and I should have it for the weekend. So my biggest remaining needs are a second set of goggles, and a good hardcase for transporting the full FPV kit to remote locations.

Another big difference that surprised me a bit was how quickly I could outrun the signal range for both the control signals and the video. I’ve been bumping into that in Normal Mode too, but in Sport Mode it happens much easier. At one point on my second flight I lost both signals very suddenly, and my goggles were just dark for what seemed like a very long time. When they came back on, and the thing gave me back control, I was indeed going home, but way lower over a ridge than I would have liked.

The braking action is much harsher in Sport Mode. Very effective, but harsher.

I had to cancel the RTH several times on the second flight. It would go off when I had enough power left to come in and land, but not enough left to climb back up to the RTH altitude, and then come back down. I’ll get a better feel for that the more I fly it.

I’m still using Normal Mode for T/O and landing, but that may change with more experience. I fully expect to stay in Sport Mode for at least the rest of the month, before dipping my toe in the Manual Mode crocodile pond. On the other hand, I’m supposed to have great weather for flying for at least the next week, so I may end up advancing that.

This is awesome!!

I’m so glad you’re enjoying it being one of those who incited you to splash the cash lol

I have two fly more packs because oddly here a fly more pack is cheaper than buying two batteries stand alone and I’m thinking about another two batteries soon. I was unable to find a suitable case to hold everything so defaulted to buying a generic case from an auto parts distributor with the breakaway foam interior and the result was quite satisfactory and cheaper than a purpose built case.

Congratz, and welcome to a thrilling world.

Battery endurance is amazing! Consider that a classic FPV qwad will last between 2 and 5 minutes at most while this thing lasts between 6 and 12. Quite the difference. Granted that a 5" is faster.

If you are amazed with sports mode, you'll be blown away when you go full manual. I've pushed it up to 100mph on manual. It's ludicrous
Sounds like fun. I have seen some crazy Youtube videos. I would love to try it sometime.
I'm giving someone an introduction to drones later this morning. As soon as I can afford a second set of goggles, I'll be able to start giving people FPV "demo rides", so that they can try it without having to buy it!

Of course, I expect some people to get hooked, just like I am...


I’m so glad you’re enjoying it being one of those who incited you to splash the cash lol

I have two fly more packs because oddly here a fly more pack is cheaper than buying two batteries stand alone and I’m thinking about another two batteries soon. I was unable to find a suitable case to hold everything so defaulted to buying a generic case from an auto parts distributor with the breakaway foam interior and the result was quite satisfactory and cheaper than a purpose built case.

And I'm very grateful for the incitement!

I saw a case on Amazon yesterday that looked pretty good. It was $200, which is more than I'd like to spend, but it looks pretty solid, and carries everything.

But my next priority is the second set of goggles, so that I can give demo rides!

Congratz, and welcome to a thrilling world.

Battery endurance is amazing! Consider that a classic FPV qwad will last between 2 and 5 minutes at most while this thing lasts between 6 and 12. Quite the difference. Granted that a 5" is faster.

If you are amazed with sports mode, you'll be blown away when you go full manual. I've pushed it up to 100mph on manual. It's ludicrous
If I could get just one thing changed about the FPV, it would be a substantial increase in battery capacity.

I don't expect to go to even restricted Manual Mode until next month. I fly next to a lot of trees and mountains and boulders, and I'd really rather not hit them! Still, if the weather holds, my skill level may develop faster than I expect, with a lot more practice.

What I'd also like to see is an "Extreme Sport Mode", which makes the full power and speed available, but with the stability systems still operational. That should be something that could be done with just a firmware fix.

Also 2 fly more packs here, and the Smatree "props on" backpack.

Manual is a whole other step from Sport, the latter just increases responsiveness but you're still only telling the aircraft where to go, while in manual you're finally actually flying it.
Also 2 fly more packs here, and the Smatree "props on" backpack.

Manual is a whole other step from Sport, the latter just increases responsiveness but you're still only telling the aircraft where to go, while in manual you're finally actually flying it.
I'd strongly prefer a "props on" hard case, but I haven't seen one yet.

June 1st is my target date for dipping my toe into the restricted Manual Mode crocodile pond. That could shift either way depending on how quickly I get comfortable with Sport, but it seems right.

When I'm flying a regular aircraft, say a C-172, it will pretty much fly itself in calm air, if you have it trimmed properly. You can let go of the yoke and the take your feet off the pedals, and nothing Evil will immediately happen. I like that kind of "hands off" stability as an option.

I'll be testing out the "brake" function in Manual Mode for at least a few flights, before I go anywhere significant, or go very fast.

I'd very much like an Extreme Sport Mode, that gives access to all the power, while retaining the stability controls.

We'll see!
Heh heh heh... I knew it!!! That's why I pushed you so hard 😁

Wait 'til you try the Motion Controller when we get together... Pilots with a ticket seem to love it, those with drone-only experience on RC sticks seem to hate it.

There are exceptions, of course 😉
I'm giving someone an introduction to drones later this morning. As soon as I can afford a second set of goggles, I'll be able to start giving people FPV "demo rides", so that they can try it without having to buy it!
You don't have to wait for a second set of goggles. Plug your phone into the goggles via USBC and display the video there. Do some practice flying while viewing that screen.

There's no telemetry, just the camera view. Once you get comfortable flying that way, your guest can wear the goggles while you fly. Do it all the time, works great to share the FPV experience.
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Heh heh heh... I knew it!!! That's why I pushed you so hard 😁

Wait 'til you try the Motion Controller when we get together... Pilots with a ticket seem to love it, those with drone-only experience on RC sticks seem to hate it.

There are exceptions, of course 😉

I think I'm going to love it, but we'll see!

The Motion Controller is third in my priority stack of FPV crap to get, after the second pair of goggles and a good hardcase for transportation.

You don't have to wait for a second set of goggles. Plug your phone into the goggles via USBC and display the video there. Do some practice flying while viewing that screen.

There's no telemetry, just the camera view. Once you get comfortable flying that way, your guest can wear the goggles while you fly. Do it all the time, works great to share the FPV experience.

I've thought about this, but on balance, I'm going to wait for the second set of goggles. I vastly prefer flying with them on.
MC Cases makes a hard and soft backpack with an insert that contains everything and more:




That's my co-pilot there in the last picture.

Cost $250. Was worth waiting a few months for the budget to get friendly to the purchase.

I went back and forth on hard vs soft, in the end the soft case was a much better choice... many pockets and compartments to put stuff, and the shoulder straps are awesome I'd you need to walk a bit from parking.
MC Cases makes a hard and soft backpack with an insert that contains everything and more:

View attachment 148593

View attachment 148594

View attachment 148595

That's my co-pilot there in the last picture.

Cost $250. Was worth waiting a few months for the budget to get friendly to the purchase.

I went back and forth on hard vs soft, in the end the soft case was a much better choice... many pockets and compartments to put stuff, and the shoulder straps are awesome I'd you need to walk a bit from parking.
I just took a look at their hardcase, and I'm going to get that one:

I don't expect to take it anywhere that will require much walking, never mind hiking/backpacking. I loved my time in the Boy Scouts, but that was 100 years ago...

During my drone demo earlier, I became more convinced that I want to put a strobe on The Beast. Do you have a strobe on yours?

Does anybody here have any suggestions for where you might put a strobe (Arc V) on the FPV? I've resisted putting one on because I don't want to mess up the smooth, aesthetically pleasing lines of the drone. I'm actually thinking about putting it on the battery, because that strikes me as the least likely to impact either the weight and balance, or the control signal. I mean, after all, the strobe is mostly a battery with some electronics attached.

Any thoughts on this?

That's the case! Same insert as mine. You'll love it.

I don't have any strobes. With the FPV I'm especially concerned about altering the flight dynamics.
That's the case! Same insert as mine. You'll love it.

I don't have any strobes. With the FPV I'm especially concerned about altering the flight dynamics.
Yeah, me too. I haven't decided to do it yet, but I want to.

I'll poke around some more and see what I can find out about that first.

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