Hi, first, I'm a brand new pilot having just gotten my Mavic 2 Pro a couple of weeks ago, and I'm greatly enjoying it. I've gotten DaVinci Resolve 16 for color correction, and started shooting in D-LOG using the DJI D-Log to Rec.709 LUT.
I then tried HLG and saw a bit more color saturation in the raw images, so I thought I'd go looking for LUTs for HLG imaging with the Mavic 2 Pro. HLG looks like an interesting technology for color encoding so I thought I'd play around with it to see how it looks.
I found the Aerial Guide Mavic 2 Pro LUTs and I saw they have an HLG LUT so I purchased the set and tried it against a quicky HLG test video I did. Note that this is previous footage so I didn't set the recommended Sharpness and Contrast settings in the Mavic 2 camera, so they're at defaults.
The images below show the original HLG file at the bottom center, a D-Log image adjusted with the D-Log to Rec.709 reference LUT (as a reference for comparison to HLG) at the right, the Aerial Guide Mavic 2 Pro H.265 HLG True LUT to the right, and at top center, the HLG image color corrected with the D-Log to Rec.7.0 reference LUT.
To my eye, the best match to the D-LOG reference image is to use the SAME DJI D-Log to Rec.709 LUT on HLG as well as D-Log. The Aerial Guide LUT lacks saturation and is a little dark compared to the D-Log reference to my eye. The HLG image corrected with the DJI D-Log Rec.709 image IS pretty close to the D-Log reference, but might be a bit over saturated. But, the HLG image corrected with the DJI D-Log LUT looks better to my eye than the AG HLG True LUT, though colors are a bit oversaturated.
This is not the best comparison image, but does have lots of greens and brown, and the redwood looking stain on the deck. But except for a bit of oversaturation in color, the HLG corrected with the DJI D-Log LUT looks a bit better than the AG HLG True LUT to my eye.
What do others think and what LUT do you use with HLG?

I then tried HLG and saw a bit more color saturation in the raw images, so I thought I'd go looking for LUTs for HLG imaging with the Mavic 2 Pro. HLG looks like an interesting technology for color encoding so I thought I'd play around with it to see how it looks.
I found the Aerial Guide Mavic 2 Pro LUTs and I saw they have an HLG LUT so I purchased the set and tried it against a quicky HLG test video I did. Note that this is previous footage so I didn't set the recommended Sharpness and Contrast settings in the Mavic 2 camera, so they're at defaults.
The images below show the original HLG file at the bottom center, a D-Log image adjusted with the D-Log to Rec.709 reference LUT (as a reference for comparison to HLG) at the right, the Aerial Guide Mavic 2 Pro H.265 HLG True LUT to the right, and at top center, the HLG image color corrected with the D-Log to Rec.7.0 reference LUT.
To my eye, the best match to the D-LOG reference image is to use the SAME DJI D-Log to Rec.709 LUT on HLG as well as D-Log. The Aerial Guide LUT lacks saturation and is a little dark compared to the D-Log reference to my eye. The HLG image corrected with the DJI D-Log Rec.709 image IS pretty close to the D-Log reference, but might be a bit over saturated. But, the HLG image corrected with the DJI D-Log LUT looks better to my eye than the AG HLG True LUT, though colors are a bit oversaturated.
This is not the best comparison image, but does have lots of greens and brown, and the redwood looking stain on the deck. But except for a bit of oversaturation in color, the HLG corrected with the DJI D-Log LUT looks a bit better than the AG HLG True LUT to my eye.
What do others think and what LUT do you use with HLG?

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