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Considering buying my first drone, I have questions


New Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi everyone,
Just became member and am considering buying my first drone , Im considering the Mini 2 as my first. I've been reading this forum on certain topics over the past week and watching videos. I have some general question about things or ideas I couldnt find answer to. So heres goes.
Some background on myself, while I dont have RC aircraft experience, I do have some experience w/ RC land vehicles, namely the nitro offroad world, I know a completely different beast from their skybound counterparts but .. I feel as a result I do have some notion of RC spatial awareness (have to drive / fly as if you are in the seat/cockpit etc...)
Furthermore, Ive spent the greater part of the past couple weeks learning about the FAA regulations, reading various state / city / county regulations for areas im interested in ... so I feel like im doing my due diligence before my first flight. Furthermore, for now I plan on starting as a recreational flyer only. The whole photography / videography element of it will be new to me as well, so I look forward to learning more about that over time as I get footage and pictures etc.. yay!

So, onto my initial questions:
1. I've read from forum and other forums a good tactic to steer away public folks who just would otherwise want to hassle me or othewise throw "laws" at me that dont exist ... is to buy one of those yellow safety vests. Which makes sense to me, I mean it wont stop everyone hassling me but I believe it may alter their perception to a more positive one. So, I was thinking of clever phrases to put on it, and I see many online. Basically I would like to make it sound as "official" as possible, obviously while maintaining accuracy. So, I realize that being under 250g I wouldnt have to register the drone w/ FAA .. BUT, I wonder if registering anyways could work to my advantage, the advantage in this case I was thinking of putting something to the effect of "FAA Registered Drone Pilot - Please Do Not Disturb" on the safety vest. Would that play on words be going too far if I did register and did put that phrase and did fly recreationally? To me, I think its accurate enough and definitely official enough to keep those pestering folks away from me. What do you all think?

2. Kinda related to the above question, if not registering for the reason above ... would it be wise to register the drone anyways in case I want to put accessories on it that *may* put it over the 250g weight limit ... that way I wouldnt have to worry about my weight all the time?

3. Im kinda confused on the laws regarding the Oregon coast. Im reading how most places its fine to drone around on the coast as long as its not within range of specified nature sanctuaries / reserves etc ... but Ive found some puzzling laws/rules here: Oregon Secretary of State Administrative Rules that basically state for the counties on the west coast "no aircraft may land on the ocean shore except for emergencies" ... but many articles / publications say drones are allowed except for where its posted its not. For those who fly drones around Oregon coast, are you familiar w/ these laws or anything? Furthermore I also looked up the mentioned ORS 390.668 .. which seems was superseded by another law, in which its specified: "After the establishment of a zone and the erection of signs or markers thereon, no such use shall be made of such areas except in conformity with the rules of the department." Making it sound like its only forbidden if theres a sign saying so. So, I guess at the end of the day, anyone in this forum.. have you landed on the shores before w/o hassle? ... or shall I always just try to land it in the vegetation or boardwalk or streets ... that are next to the shore to avoid potentially violating this law?

4. This one is about FAA LAANC airspace requests. So, Im kinda confused, I looked on kitthawk site and airmap .. and I see the controlled airspace around airports around me, grid filled circles with, from what I understand, numbers indicating likely the highest ceiling id be approved for in that square from LAANC - all makes sense. But I also downloaded the DJI Fly app I would use w/ the drone to take a look around it and how its GEO zone mapping works. When I look at that map in the same area ... the airport zones look dramatically different ... a smaller circle around airport w/ legs that reach out from them (Im guessing the incoming / leaving flight path of planes) ... so Im wondering how on earth w/ this disparity of supposed zones between the 3 different sources ...would I be able to figure out when LAANC is necessary? Additionally, it seems like all such zones in the app require some form of "unlock"? is that 1:1 equivalent of LAANC request or is that a seperate request I have to do through DJI or .. how does that work?
The whole LAANC zone request around an airport kinda made sense ... until I saw the dramatically different zones and layout of zones on DJI app vs kittyhawk and airmap =(

I think those are my questions for now, feel like Im missing some. If so Ill reply to the thread. Thanks all! I appreciate any input / guidance.
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I will try to address a few of your concerns...

As far as people hassling you, just know that you will hear the bad and ugly here and only a few of the good encounters. I have a 90%+ curiosity/no big deal rate with most folks. I just keep it civil and if you do run into an issue just say "can you please wait until I land and I can answer your questions". Then deal with the issue/person.

I'm not sure I would go to the length of registering if you don't need to, but admirable of your thought process. For me I use a few methods of non-hassle: #1) don't fly where you think you might get hassled. #2) if you are flying and you think you might disturb someone (like your neighbors) you might, in a friendly way. let them know you are flying and will respect their privacy.... even invite them to look over your shoulder. #3) When I'm flying for a job I always wear a safety vest to boldly "ANNOUNCE" my presence. Although not really neccesary my vest happens to say "Aerial Media" with my logo on it. By being up front and visible in areas of potential conflict looking "official" goes a long ways.

LAANC. Although I do not like the politics of company AirMap, I find theirs is the easiest app to use. I have never found it out of date or in conflict with the FAA B4UFlY app. I would give that a try. Kittyhawk, to me, is more difficult to use. The DJI app and their "no fly zones" are not that great. I've been to areas where the airport has not even been in service for years, yet I get warnings. Go with the other apps. As far as unlocking, I've been lucky, I have yet to do a job for $ or recreationally that I had to get a DJI unlock code for - can't help much there.

As far as preserves and sanctuaries parks etc. goes you just have to do your best to look into the laws/rules in that area.

As far as your first drone, the Mini 2 I think will be a good choice (just know the wind limitations of this model!)... if you run prop guards while "training" you will probably do well. Pick a calm day in an open grass field.

Hope this helps a bit?!
I've never flown on the Oregon Coast, but I do know that a few years ago The State, Parks and Rec, and various agencies claimed all kinds of restrictions. Most of those got slapped down when it was pointed out that they didn't have the authority to make these "rules" as OAR's (administrative rules) just because the bureaucrats want it that way. To be a law it must adhere to an ORS (oregon statute) as passed by either the legislature or a referendum or initiative passed by the voters.
Most of the no drone rules immediately went away, but some were reinstated in a different way. For example, I live near Smith Rocks. Drones were forbidden for several years until the "new understanding" took effect and all of the signs had to be removed. However, you still cannot fly a drone at Smith Rocks for a good portion of the year. Drones are banned during the nesting season of some birds. I believe the same thing happens at various places on the Oregon Coast. The anti drone laws disappeared, but after a short time they reappeared as federal protection zones for some birds. If memory serves me, the rules are that all aircraft must not fly lower than 2000 ft agl. Obviously, drones cannot legally fly that high so they, for all practical purposes...drones are not allowed for certain months of the year.
Here are a couple of sites that you might find helpful.
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I agree with these answers, although I do like the Kittyhawk app.
I have several boats and trucks, so your insight is both correct and appreciated.
Most people are curious and polite. I had one drunk here someone say hey check out that drone and he said if it comes near him he will pull it out of the sky...LOL. It was neither near him, nor was there any intent to be near him nor any other people. This was a shallow water hand out spot on Onondaga Lake in NY and I had more people requesting a flyover and trying to wave etc. I did not fly over people.
I can also tell you the Mini 2 is an excellent drone for beginners and the more proficient.
Also, one day when riding my bike in the winter, I calibrated the compass by turning in a circle twice instead of turning in my hand because it was quite cold...a passing vehicle stopped and asked if I was OK...remember I am wearing a bike helmet and spinning in a circle...probably looked interesting???
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You don't need a yellow jacket. If you think you might be disturbing someone you probably are. Just move away.
Landing pads and large tablets are nice but with experience and a little reconnaissance you can get by nicely without them.
I've never come close hassle so I might be the wrong one to answer this.
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And welcome to the forum from the land of Oz. You will enjoy the Mini2, and providing your doing the right thing you generally don’t get hassled.
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Welcome to the forum.

You will read, here and elsewhere, about people being hassled or confronted. What you don't read about are the other 99% of the time when no one bothers you. (not newsworthy) Only time someone has approached me, it was to express curiosity and ask questions.

The argument for wearing a high-vis vest goes both ways with good arguments on both sides. I prefer not to draw attention to myself, and always fly with a spotter. They can do the talking while I fly, should the occasion arise.

Enjoy your flying.
As I'm from the Netherlands, I won't go into specific laws and rules inside USA.
But an answer to the general questions is no problem.
When you're afraid for the reaction of public, then you give projection of this fear and this works as an invitation to come and hassle you.
Don't wear a high visible vest, this is nonsense and only works to get attention.
Be aware that experience with RC cars is very different. Only forward, backwards, left and right turn are available there. But now you are in a 3 dimensional world with up and down and extra movement along X, Y and Z axis.
The drone can also flip upside down. Things that your car couldn't do.
Enjoy your first flight

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You Don't need to walk on eggshells for ignorant people ... I say no to the vest idea out of principle,just keep your flying legal and fly wherever you want and are legally allowed... And the Mavic Mini 2 is definitely the best you can do for the money. I love mine.

Enjoy !
Thanks for all the super helpful replies everyone!
So, a bit of an update from me...
I ended up buying the drone afterall.
I couldnt be happier!!!
I have 6 flights over 3 different days under my belt. Its going quite well so far, Ive flown in same open area during those 3 times. It was a good mix of different situations. Noone has bothered me, granted there werent many folks around, also Ill not do the yellow vest for now hehe, ill resort to that if I get badgered to much. Also, the LAANC process was easy peasy =)
Anywho, the 2 craziest parts and nerve wracking parts of this area and flying thus far have been:
1. Getting used to flying over water (this area has quite a decent sized river)
2. The first time I took drone up to 100ft then 150 then 175 (max ive been so far as the ceiling in this area is 200ft cuz airport nearby) ... well seeing that defenseless little thing that high up is like... a serious "wtf?" not to mention this area also has bird wildlife. So, overall for now Im keeping it close and getting used to the controls, and RTH n stuff like that.

But, I did manage to shoot enough 'cinematic' manual shots during those 3 days ... that I ended up piecing together my first edited video of any kind really. Turned out far better than I thought it would w/ the random shots I got.

I must say, the footage quality this drone produces is absolutely bonkers. Its one thing to see the shorts on youtube ... which youtube degrades quality of video .... its an entirely different matter to see the native videos that come off the drone! Just like .. wtf?! I still cant get over the fact that from 150-175ft up in the air ... I can zoom in on a picture it takes and see every dang lil pebble around this river w/ clarity and no artifacts of any kind.
The video I created most of the footage is just 1080p even ... again its mindblowing how crisp and clear it is even at that resolution!
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Thanks for all the super helpful replies everyone!
So, a bit of an update from me...
I ended up buying the drone afterall.
I couldnt be happier!!!
I have 6 flights over 3 different days under my belt. Its going quite well so far, Ive flown in same open area during those 3 times. It was a good mix of different situations. Noone has bothered me, granted there werent many folks around, also Ill not do the yellow vest for now hehe, ill resort to that if I get badgered to much. Also, the LAANC process was easy peasy =)
Anywho, the 2 craziest parts and nerve wracking parts of this area and flying thus far have been:
1. Getting used to flying over water (this area has quite a decent sized river)
2. The first time I took drone up to 100ft then 150 then 175 (max ive been so far as the ceiling in this area is 200ft cuz airport nearby) ... well seeing that defenseless little thing that high up is like... a serious "wtf?" not to mention this area also has bird wildlife. So, overall for now Im keeping it close and getting used to the controls, and RTH n stuff like that.

But, I did manage to shoot enough 'cinematic' manual shots during those 3 days ... that I ended up piecing together my first edited video of any kind really. Turned out far better than I thought it would w/ the random shots I got.

I must say, the footage quality this drone produces is absolutely bonkers. Its one thing to see the shorts on youtube ... which youtube degrades quality of video .... its an entirely different matter to see the native videos that come off the drone! Just like .. wtf?! I still cant get over the fact that from 150-175ft up in the air ... I can zoom in on a picture it takes and see every dang lil pebble around this river w/ clarity and no artifacts of any kind.
The video I created most of the footage is just 1080p even ... again its mindblowing how crisp and clear it is even at that resolution!

You're definitely hooked. Welcome to the club.

I started with a Mini and flew it with the prop guards in the slow mode for a long time to reduce the opportunities for stepping too far beyond my capabilities. When I started getting comfortable and got into videos, I found it very helpful to have a friend act as an observer to keep an eye on the drone while I was focused on the screen.

I've had no negative interactions with people at all, and I've met a few interesting folks as a result of flying. Have fun.
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Hi everyone,
Just became member and am considering buying my first drone , Im considering the Mini 2 as my first. I've been reading this forum on certain topics over the past week and watching videos. I have some general question about things or ideas I couldnt find answer to. So heres goes.
Some background on myself, while I dont have RC aircraft experience, I do have some experience w/ RC land vehicles, namely the nitro offroad world, I know a completely different beast from their skybound counterparts but .. I feel as a result I do have some notion of RC spatial awareness (have to drive / fly as if you are in the seat/cockpit etc...)
Furthermore, Ive spent the greater part of the past couple weeks learning about the FAA regulations, reading various state / city / county regulations for areas im interested in ... so I feel like im doing my due diligence before my first flight. Furthermore, for now I plan on starting as a recreational flyer only. The whole photography / videography element of it will be new to me as well, so I look forward to learning more about that over time as I get footage and pictures etc.. yay!

So, onto my initial questions:
1. I've read from forum and other forums a good tactic to steer away public folks who just would otherwise want to hassle me or othewise throw "laws" at me that dont exist ... is to buy one of those yellow safety vests. Which makes sense to me, I mean it wont stop everyone hassling me but I believe it may alter their perception to a more positive one. So, I was thinking of clever phrases to put on it, and I see many online. Basically I would like to make it sound as "official" as possible, obviously while maintaining accuracy. So, I realize that being under 250g I wouldnt have to register the drone w/ FAA .. BUT, I wonder if registering anyways could work to my advantage, the advantage in this case I was thinking of putting something to the effect of "FAA Registered Drone Pilot - Please Do Not Disturb" on the safety vest. Would that play on words be going too far if I did register and did put that phrase and did fly recreationally? To me, I think its accurate enough and definitely official enough to keep those pestering folks away from me. What do you all think?

2. Kinda related to the above question, if not registering for the reason above ... would it be wise to register the drone anyways in case I want to put accessories on it that *may* put it over the 250g weight limit ... that way I wouldnt have to worry about my weight all the time?

3. Im kinda confused on the laws regarding the Oregon coast. Im reading how most places its fine to drone around on the coast as long as its not within range of specified nature sanctuaries / reserves etc ... but Ive found some puzzling laws/rules here: Oregon Secretary of State Administrative Rules that basically state for the counties on the west coast "no aircraft may land on the ocean shore except for emergencies" ... but many articles / publications say drones are allowed except for where its posted its not. For those who fly drones around Oregon coast, are you familiar w/ these laws or anything? Furthermore I also looked up the mentioned ORS 390.668 .. which seems was superseded by another law, in which its specified: "After the establishment of a zone and the erection of signs or markers thereon, no such use shall be made of such areas except in conformity with the rules of the department." Making it sound like its only forbidden if theres a sign saying so. So, I guess at the end of the day, anyone in this forum.. have you landed on the shores before w/o hassle? ... or shall I always just try to land it in the vegetation or boardwalk or streets ... that are next to the shore to avoid potentially violating this law?

4. This one is about FAA LAANC airspace requests. So, Im kinda confused, I looked on kitthawk site and airmap .. and I see the controlled airspace around airports around me, grid filled circles with, from what I understand, numbers indicating likely the highest ceiling id be approved for in that square from LAANC - all makes sense. But I also downloaded the DJI Fly app I would use w/ the drone to take a look around it and how its GEO zone mapping works. When I look at that map in the same area ... the airport zones look dramatically different ... a smaller circle around airport w/ legs that reach out from them (Im guessing the incoming / leaving flight path of planes) ... so Im wondering how on earth w/ this disparity of supposed zones between the 3 different sources ...would I be able to figure out when LAANC is necessary? Additionally, it seems like all such zones in the app require some form of "unlock"? is that 1:1 equivalent of LAANC request or is that a seperate request I have to do through DJI or .. how does that work?
The whole LAANC zone request around an airport kinda made sense ... until I saw the dramatically different zones and layout of zones on DJI app vs kittyhawk and airmap =(

I think those are my questions for now, feel like Im missing some. If so Ill reply to the thread. Thanks all! I appreciate any input / guidance.
Mavic Mini2
1. I've read from forum and other forums a good tactic to steer away public folks who just would otherwise want to hassle me or othewise throw "laws" at me that dont exist ... is to buy one of those yellow safety vests. Which makes sense to me, I mean it wont stop everyone hassling me but I believe it may alter their perception to a more positive one. So, I was thinking of clever phrases to put on it, and I see many online. Basically I would like to make it sound as "official" as possible, obviously while maintaining accuracy. So, I realize that being under 250g I wouldnt have to register the drone w/ FAA .. BUT, I wonder if registering anyways could work to my advantage, the advantage in this case I was thinking of putting something to the effect of "FAA Registered Drone Pilot - Please Do Not Disturb" on the safety vest. Would that play on words be going too far if I did register and did put that phrase and did fly recreationally? To me, I think its accurate enough and definitely official enough to keep those pestering folks away from me. What do you all think?
This is a subtle point, but since you said you wanted to maintain accuracy, know that the FAA doesn't consider you to be a "pilot" unless you have a pilot certificate. For drones (small unmanned aircraft systems), that would be a Part 107 certificate, commonly called a license. If you are flying without a license under the recreational exception, you are considered an "operator" of a small unmanned aircraft system. The FAA rules consistently make this distinction between "operator" and "pilot", but many laypeople don't know or care.

2. Kinda related to the above question, if not registering for the reason above ... would it be wise to register the drone anyways in case I want to put accessories on it that *may* put it over the 250g weight limit ... that way I wouldnt have to worry about my weight all the time?

Perhaps. Propeller guards, lights, etc. can push the weight above the limit. Being officially registered even if it's not strictly required may appease some. It does tend to indicate that you're not trying to totally shirk responsibility for any accidents you may cause.

4. This one is about FAA LAANC airspace requests. So, Im kinda confused, I looked on kitthawk site and airmap .. and I see the controlled airspace around airports around me, grid filled circles with, from what I understand, numbers indicating likely the highest ceiling id be approved for in that square from LAANC - all makes sense. But I also downloaded the DJI Fly app I would use w/ the drone to take a look around it and how its GEO zone mapping works. When I look at that map in the same area ... the airport zones look dramatically different ... a smaller circle around airport w/ legs that reach out from them (Im guessing the incoming / leaving flight path of planes) ... so Im wondering how on earth w/ this disparity of supposed zones between the 3 different sources ...would I be able to figure out when LAANC is necessary? Additionally, it seems like all such zones in the app require some form of "unlock"? is that 1:1 equivalent of LAANC request or is that a seperate request I have to do through DJI or .. how does that work?
The whole LAANC zone request around an airport kinda made sense ... until I saw the dramatically different zones and layout of zones on DJI app vs kittyhawk and airmap =(
The DJI zones aren't always based on regulations. It's probably good advice to be extra careful around zones that are legally permitted, but which DJI has designated with some level of caution or restriction. Regardless of designation, you are ALWAYS responsible for avoiding human-carrying air traffic.
I must say, the footage quality this drone produces is absolutely bonkers. Its one thing to see the shorts on youtube ... which youtube degrades quality of video .... its an entirely different matter to see the native videos that come off the drone! Just like .. wtf?! I still cant get over the fact that from 150-175ft up in the air ... I can zoom in on a picture it takes and see every dang lil pebble around this river w/ clarity and no artifacts of any kind.
The video I created most of the footage is just 1080p even ... again its mindblowing how crisp and clear it is even at that resolution!
Haha indeed brother,that was my reaction too,to see how amazing that SD card footage looks is so perfect that I'm blown away at the quality they give you on the mini 2,very impressive.

Now,For whatever reason,And I don't usually miss something like this so I still wonder if there was a change on one of the updates but I felt that recording in 1080p was the best way to go for me,figured the 4xZoom and the fact that most people I'd be sending these to would be seen on a phone or download the mp4 to watch on their 1080p tvs as that's pretty easy and most my friends haven't gotten to the 4k yet so win win HOWEVER,I recently noticed and believe me I have checked before more than once, that 2.7k has 3x zoom,not just 2 like 4k does.. Well that was a game changer for me because I have noticed since my computer has higher screen resolution,that the 2.7 k looks outstanding even zooming in there is much less 'noise' to it,which makes sense. So now I do all my video in 2.7k which means that I notice that im filling up my card much faster now. Lol But wait till ya see what the 2.7 looks like if you already haven't had a glimpse.. wow and it makes me want a 4k tv now lol unfortunately 4k only has 2 x zoom but how could we possibly complain with such amazing hardware at mini prices?? Can't beat them,I'm convinced no one comes close.

As a hobbyist,I'm very tempted by their new FPV model, but I may hold out for the rumored Mavic pro 3 coming out this year because I'd like to make some money doing Ariel real estate shots.Be prepared and Get your 107,if you read enough (which I did a lot during Covid) just sign up with the FAA (I'm in America) and the test was only 150 bucks though I heard it went up to around 170ish ... If you haven't found or done any practice tests,they have a ton of courses that cost 150 bucks that tell you everything you need to know and when you pass it just add it to you FAA profile and you can make money,my man.. Just register your drone for peanuts and you are good to go for two years. Make sure you can fly that thing and really study your photography and editing because that's what will put you on the map.

Take care.
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I recently bought my first drone and it is a mini2. cant fault the unit. Easy to use, simple controls amazing footage with quality build. I cannot comment on other drones, or the issues with flying in Oregon as i am UK based in South Wales. I did the cardinal sin of not registering, or getting to know the dos and donts, which thankfully the guys on here pointed me in the right direction. I became registered and now find out the regs concerned in my areas concerning parks and reserves.
I am still a really raw newbie to our hobby, but the journey of learning the ropes is fun in itself. My flying capabilities are getting there, but i do need help in the editing software for my attempts. Get the drone, ask the questions as the guys on here have the answers to the issues beginners like us run into. Good luck and have fun.

Hi everyone,
Just became member and am considering buying my first drone , Im considering the Mini 2 as my first. I've been reading this forum on certain topics over the past week and watching videos. I have some general question about things or ideas I couldnt find answer to. So heres goes.
Some background on myself, while I dont have RC aircraft experience, I do have some experience w/ RC land vehicles, namely the nitro offroad world, I know a completely different beast from their skybound counterparts but .. I feel as a result I do have some notion of RC spatial awareness (have to drive / fly as if you are in the seat/cockpit etc...)
Furthermore, Ive spent the greater part of the past couple weeks learning about the FAA regulations, reading various state / city / county regulations for areas im interested in ... so I feel like im doing my due diligence before my first flight. Furthermore, for now I plan on starting as a recreational flyer only. The whole photography / videography element of it will be new to me as well, so I look forward to learning more about that over time as I get footage and pictures etc.. yay!

So, onto my initial questions:
1. I've read from forum and other forums a good tactic to steer away public folks who just would otherwise want to hassle me or othewise throw "laws" at me that dont exist ... is to buy one of those yellow safety vests. Which makes sense to me, I mean it wont stop everyone hassling me but I believe it may alter their perception to a more positive one. So, I was thinking of clever phrases to put on it, and I see many online. Basically I would like to make it sound as "official" as possible, obviously while maintaining accuracy. So, I realize that being under 250g I wouldnt have to register the drone w/ FAA .. BUT, I wonder if registering anyways could work to my advantage, the advantage in this case I was thinking of putting something to the effect of "FAA Registered Drone Pilot - Please Do Not Disturb" on the safety vest. Would that play on words be going too far if I did register and did put that phrase and did fly recreationally? To me, I think its accurate enough and definitely official enough to keep those pestering folks away from me. What do you all think?

2. Kinda related to the above question, if not registering for the reason above ... would it be wise to register the drone anyways in case I want to put accessories on it that *may* put it over the 250g weight limit ... that way I wouldnt have to worry about my weight all the time?

3. Im kinda confused on the laws regarding the Oregon coast. Im reading how most places its fine to drone around on the coast as long as its not within range of specified nature sanctuaries / reserves etc ... but Ive found some puzzling laws/rules here: Oregon Secretary of State Administrative Rules that basically state for the counties on the west coast "no aircraft may land on the ocean shore except for emergencies" ... but many articles / publications say drones are allowed except for where its posted its not. For those who fly drones around Oregon coast, are you familiar w/ these laws or anything? Furthermore I also looked up the mentioned ORS 390.668 .. which seems was superseded by another law, in which its specified: "After the establishment of a zone and the erection of signs or markers thereon, no such use shall be made of such areas except in conformity with the rules of the department." Making it sound like its only forbidden if theres a sign saying so. So, I guess at the end of the day, anyone in this forum.. have you landed on the shores before w/o hassle? ... or shall I always just try to land it in the vegetation or boardwalk or streets ... that are next to the shore to avoid potentially violating this law?

4. This one is about FAA LAANC airspace requests. So, Im kinda confused, I looked on kitthawk site and airmap .. and I see the controlled airspace around airports around me, grid filled circles with, from what I understand, numbers indicating likely the highest ceiling id be approved for in that square from LAANC - all makes sense. But I also downloaded the DJI Fly app I would use w/ the drone to take a look around it and how its GEO zone mapping works. When I look at that map in the same area ... the airport zones look dramatically different ... a smaller circle around airport w/ legs that reach out from them (Im guessing the incoming / leaving flight path of planes) ... so Im wondering how on earth w/ this disparity of supposed zones between the 3 different sources ...would I be able to figure out when LAANC is necessary? Additionally, it seems like all such zones in the app require some form of "unlock"? is that 1:1 equivalent of LAANC request or is that a seperate request I have to do through DJI or .. how does that work?
The whole LAANC zone request around an airport kinda made sense ... until I saw the dramatically different zones and layout of zones on DJI app vs kittyhawk and airmap =(

I think those are my questions for now, feel like Im missing some. If so Ill reply to the thread. Thanks all! I appreciate any input / guidance.
no disrespect.... I started with a Syma X5c ( paid 13.00 at goodwill)for a brand new one I found out that I really liked the activity, learned about the rest of what I really really looked for and in my price range. it gave me time while still learning. I learned how to handle it in windy conditions, and how to appreciate a gimble, and GPS drones. then I bought a Mavic pro for 230.00 with 3 batteries. give it a little time to research what will fit your needs. fly safe !
no disrespect.... I started with a Syma X5c ( paid 13.00 at goodwill)for a brand new one I found out that I really liked the activity, learned about the rest of what I really really looked for and in my price range. it gave me time while still learning. I learned how to handle it in windy conditions, and how to appreciate a gimble, and GPS drones. then I bought a Mavic pro for 230.00 with 3 batteries. give it a little time to research what will fit your needs. fly safe !
Me likewise, it was not really any good, I moved up to a Parrot Bebop, which was not much cop either, it was my only flyaway, then in 2016 I bought a Phantom 3 pro, what a revelation, and since then I've bought a Pro, a Mini, and an Air 2. I bought a couple of Eachine H8s. If you want to learn to fly a drone, get one of these, they've got a few minutes of battery life, but indoors they are great for learning the controls, I eventually could fly them round the room, landing and taking off from shelves and tables, and even landing on a (taped down) sheet of A4.
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