DJIs advice is way off isn't it ?
If you can't connect controller and device, you can't check anything in regards to GPS signal.
You say the controller won't link to aircraft, so nothing to do with GPS or phone (cellular) in the area.
Probably nothing to do with wifi either, just connecting the 2 within normal range wen doing this (what are we talking, 5 - 10 feet away ?) should not be an issue with occusync 2.
It could be wifi, but I personally have never experienced anything in that regard, then again, I don't fly a lot of urban, but we have a big wifi setup at home, with cameras all over outside, and I have flown here perhaps 10 times and not a problem.
I'm posting the following for the M1P perspective, it COULD / should (?) be the same for the
M2P, or it may be slightly different.
Be sure (if applicable) the little switch for operation in the compartment on the side of the aircraft is on RC, not wifi.
On the M1P big fingers could move this when accessing the micro SD card.
Are you doing the start up sequence in the right order ?
Often this doesn't matter with most drone models from DJI, but it could be some sort of issue with you here . . .
Connect the phone / other device to controller.
Power up the controller.
Power up the aircraft.
Launch DJI Go4.
See how it goes, may have to go park same place and test by the side of the road to see if it can be .