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Controller / Aircraft won't link in one neighborhood, but will 1/2 mile away - suggestions?


Dec 29, 2019
I just got my Mavic 2 pro, and I have taken it out on a few jobs. Today, I went to a neighborhood and I could not get the RC connected with the AC. In this area, cell reception is very poor - could that have something to do with it? What is a workaround? Again, in a specific neighborhood, it did not connect, and I could not fly, but if I went 1/2 mile away, everything started up normally and I could fly. Thanks for any suggestions...
I'd love to find a workaround - it's hard to explain to a client when you show up to get aerial photos that you can't get your drone off the ground ..a brand new drone at that. Anyone have this happen before? Does it have something to do with GPS Mode?
I'd love to find a workaround - it's hard to explain to a client when you show up to get aerial photos that you can't get your drone off the ground ..a brand new drone at that. Anyone have this happen before? Does it have something to do with GPS Mode?
no GPS comes into play when everything is connected, controller, drone, device, it then searches for sats to set the home point your issue is the controller and drone unable to connect due to to much WIFI traffic in the area you are trying to fly
Airplane mode won’t help. As others have said, it is strong WiFi interference. This is very common in heavily populated areas. Try shifting to other transmit receive channels, or move to an area wilt less interference. WiFi control will never be perfect when interference is present. The laws of physics don’t care about clients.
It is kind of a bummer - esp when you do real estate photography to not be able to fly. I had an Autel Robotics for 3 years and never had this issue. The Mavic 2 is far superior in every other way, but this..hmmmm. Hopefully the neighborhood I was in was a rarity but I will probably have to take my Autel to shoots as a backup.
Here is the official reply from DJI

Dear David,

Thank you for contacting DJI Technical Support.

According to your concern, please note that the environment and surrounds should be considered.
Besides you also need double check the GPS signal condition before takeoff.
The satellite signal should be more than 10, and then the GPS signal bars should be more than 4.

If the certain location you mentioned is not suit the condition we mentioned, please try to choose other places for fly.

Otherwise, you could offer the screenshot of the error message if any so that I could further help you.
DJIs advice is way off isn't it ?
If you can't connect controller and device, you can't check anything in regards to GPS signal.

You say the controller won't link to aircraft, so nothing to do with GPS or phone (cellular) in the area.
Probably nothing to do with wifi either, just connecting the 2 within normal range wen doing this (what are we talking, 5 - 10 feet away ?) should not be an issue with occusync 2.

It could be wifi, but I personally have never experienced anything in that regard, then again, I don't fly a lot of urban, but we have a big wifi setup at home, with cameras all over outside, and I have flown here perhaps 10 times and not a problem.

I'm posting the following for the M1P perspective, it COULD / should (?) be the same for the M2P, or it may be slightly different.

Be sure (if applicable) the little switch for operation in the compartment on the side of the aircraft is on RC, not wifi.
On the M1P big fingers could move this when accessing the micro SD card.

Are you doing the start up sequence in the right order ?
Often this doesn't matter with most drone models from DJI, but it could be some sort of issue with you here . . .

Connect the phone / other device to controller.
Power up the controller.
Power up the aircraft.
Launch DJI Go4.

See how it goes, may have to go park same place and test by the side of the road to see if it can be .
Great Reply @MAvic_South_Oz - yes, it does not seem to make any sense, since it is the connection between the AC and RC. I will look for that switch on the side.

I go through the startup process exactly as they lay out in all of the tutorials, so the sequence is right. I am going back to the exact same spot tomorrow morning to test it again. I'll post what happens after I get back. I am going to try with Wifi off, airplane mode on, and anything else I can think of "just to see"
So, after lots of testing, it came down to the USB-c cable. The one that came with the Mavic does not seem to work well in all areas.

I used my Phone's native USB-c cable and it worked fine. The GPS signal in the area is 4 bars, and 18, so that was not the issue. I have an LG Thin-Q, which is a very new android.
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Yea, tri
So, after lots of testing, it came down to the USB-c cable. The one that came with the Mavic does not seem to work well in all areas.

I used my Phone's native USB-c cable and it worked fine. The GPS signal in the area is 4 bars, and 18, so that was not the issue. I have an LG Thin-Q, which is a very new android.
al and error is often the only way to know. Glad you’re back in the air.
Thank you @Thomas B - I have one other "issue" that maybe someone else has a suggestion on. I am using my phone's native usb-c cable and the port is on the bottom - so when I am flying the cord protrudes out the side, and I have to have it in between my fingers somewhat on the side of the handle. It's very distracting. Anyone have a suggestion for this? I don't think the RC has a 2nd port in a better spot?
It is kind of a bummer - esp when you do real estate photography to not be able to fly. I had an Autel Robotics for 3 years and never had this issue. The Mavic 2 is far superior in every other way, but this..hmmmm. Hopefully the neighborhood I was in was a rarity but I will probably have to take my Autel to shoots as a backup.
I had mine RTH under a gum tree for the same reason. I was filming my home, when I had controller disconnect and the mavic took off. Almost stuffed my brand new drone. I'm thinking satellite TV receiver, which I was 5m away from. So much for filming my home
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