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Custom geofencing for Mini

So I don't have to worry about some redneck vigilante shooting down my drone because I drifted over his property, regardless of his actions being illegal. Also it would be a nice thing to do just out of plain old-fashioned respect for other people's property.

I might be able to accomplish something similar using Dronelink by flying a set of waypoints, or to a particular waypoint, inside the property line. Not quite the same thing, but looks like an option.
What's go keep your redneck neighbors from shooting it done while it's over your property near the property line. IF they are that willing to shoot at it, don't think that would stop them. And if they did 1) Go to jail. 2) lose in civil court.
I believe that I’m more sure than you:
I’m the developer of Maven , I posted that video on YouTube , never had any contact with red waypoint team
You are absolutely rights on the video I posted says Maven App. I was thinking that was the RedWaypoint one that I saw online before testing.

I am getting the Maven App now to testing. I guess I did a post about it.
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