This what DJI admin Natalia said regarding the Battery definition: Hi there, thank you for reaching out. The battery cycle is typically considered a full discharge and recharge of a battery. However for the Li-ion 4s in
Air 3, it will be counted once when the battery level is 75% consumed of the capacity mentioned in the official manual, including consumption by the battery’s self-discharge. To check the capacity, you may refer to the " specifications" in User Manual.
The tests that I have done on the
Air 3 batteries prove otherwise. My Cycles go hand in hand with the AMOUNT OF RECHARGING, irrespective of the % discharge. I received my % discharge from Airdata UAV (Unless they are at fault, which I doubt) and according to the LED'son the battery.
A 2 will mean 2 LED's on, A 2+ means 2 on + 1 flashing
Batt No1 Discharge values
67% ; LED 2+; Recharged 3x; Cycle count 3
34%; LED 1+; Recharged 4x; Cycle Count 4
43%; LED 2; Recharged 5x; Cycle Count 5
Batt No2 Discharge values
23% ; LED 1; Recharged 3x; Cycle count 3
55%; LED 2+; Recharged 4x; Cycle Count 4
34%; LED 1+; Recharged 5x; Cycle Count 5
94% LED 4; Recharged 6x; Cycle Count 5
The above indicates to me that to keep the cycle count as low as possible, I should deplete my batteries as low as possible- which of course do not make sense! I get no further proper answer from DJI on this!!