You may want to talk to your agent about specific details on what your policy covers. There are several versions of the coverage for a drone. My drone policy is totally separate from any other policy that I have with st farm. If I lose my drone in the first year, it's replaced by them. If that claim is made in the first year, they will not renew that policy for three years. I went with DJI care refresh to cover that first year along with st farm.I believe State Farm will only pay off if you DO NOT HAVE A CLAIM FOR THE FIRST YEAR. But after that, it's covered.
If I do not utilize the st farm policy in the first year, their cancellation terms go away. Seems to me they are trying to provide a form of incentive to not file a claim for that first year. Interesting side note, I did talk to a friend that is a st farm agent that lives in another city about these drone policies and he didn't know anything about what I was talking about. He had not had anyone ask for that type of policy. I think there are many different aspects to this that should be detailed with each party to make sure you get what you need. Goog luck!