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DJI Claims Mavic Air 2 will no longer ascend on RTH

I believe it depends entirely how far the drone if from with you when you initiate the RTH command. I have seen some more detail on this RTH command.
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Welcome to the forum from Chicago the Windy City and now snowing again.
Personally I never use RTH, always fly VLOS, and have battery warnings at 30%, start flying home manually.
By 10% battery power, my Bird is landing. Its good to do extensive research on RTH, because the RTH is one of the most complex features of a DJI drone. There are many possible scenarios, that could occur when RTH is initiated.
CAREFULLY, review the RTH section of your manual so you fully understand what to expect.
For instance the Low battery RTH is a different scenario, pros and cons, everybody's choice is different as to preference. Safe flying to you and keep the routers pointing up.
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So I just got off the phone with DJI, I purchased a new Mavic Air 2 yesterday and was out testing this morning. This is my first advanced drone but I have been flying advanced RC for years. I noticed my Mavic will not ascend to the RTH set Altitude before heading to the home point. I set it for 100' and the drone was only about 20' off the ground and when I went to use RTH it did not climb it just started flying straight to the home point at the 20' height. So DJI is claiming that the new firmware will no longer let the drone ascend it will only fly straight to the Home Point, they claimed that if you are above that preset RTH height that it will now descend if your about it. This is the total opposite of all the videos and demos I have watched. They said that this went in to effect about 2 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
I activated a rth on my air 2 yesterday. Worked fine. I had been flying at 30m and have rth set for 80m. Once it came back to directly above the home point I cancelled and manually landed in hand.
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I saw a YouTube video about that. I think oi its close to you it won't ascend. I can't remember how many ft away it has to be before it will ascend before RTH
I must admit that I’m not nearly as experienced a MA2 operator as some of my fellow flyers here. But as soon as I read WernerGarage’s concern, I recalled reading about that firmware change. I hadn’t tested it out yet but I was surprised that no one before PacificSkyDreamn recalled the DJI notice. So after reading PacificSkyDreamn’s note, I went out and tested my MA2 and sure enough its true. I’m sure some of you did likewise. I did several test flights. Several were with the MA2 about 30 ft AGL and I flew out less than 50m, hit RTH. The drone turned and reoriented itself, then flew straight back at that same 30l ft height. Some, I flew out 30 ft AGL, beyond 50M away and hit RTH, and the drone rose to my configured height of 170 ft, and flew back to homeport. I also wanted to check the avoidance system. I have a 5ft fence in my front yard. I took off up to 10 ft (enough height to clear the fence) and flew out less than 50M. Then, I lowered the drone down to about 4 feet and hit RTH. To my surprise, the drone first rose to about an 7 feet (enough to clear the fence as if it remembered what it had crossed, then turned to reorient itself and flew back to homeport at 7 ft AGL.
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I test my RTH on the first flight every time I fly just in case I need it.

On Sunday it did what it should do. Closer than 50m the drone just turned around and headed home without climbing. Further than 50 m it turned around, climbed to my selected altitude and headed home.
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I saw this post and walked outside yesterday to test it. My MA2 ascended to the preprogramed altitude and returned home. No problem. But I tried it again when the drone was relatively close (about 75 ft) and it came straight back without ascending.
So I just got off the phone with DJI, I purchased a new Mavic Air 2 yesterday and was out testing this morning. This is my first advanced drone but I have been flying advanced RC for years. I noticed my Mavic will not ascend to the RTH set Altitude before heading to the home point. I set it for 100' and the drone was only about 20' off the ground and when I went to use RTH it did not climb it just started flying straight to the home point at the 20' height. So DJI is claiming that the new firmware will no longer let the drone ascend it will only fly straight to the Home Point, they claimed that if you are above that preset RTH height that it will now descend if your about it. This is the total opposite of all the videos and demos I have watched. They said that this went in to effect about 2 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
I just finished reading the RTH Rules in the new manual. MA2 will ascend to the set RTH height if she is beyond 150 meters from the home point.
Used to be 20m, 60ft for just about all the Mavics. Some will land within that distance, some will RTH at current altitude, while distance to land being closer.

And I used to think 60ft was too far of a boundary, now they make it even further. What is wrong with DJI? What's the justification?
Used to be 20m, 60ft for just about all the Mavics. Some will land within that distance, some will RTH at current altitude, while distance to land being closer.

And I used to think 60ft was too far of a boundary, now they make it even further. What is wrong with DJI? What's the justification?
My guess is for those flying in large open fields.

The ideal solution would be for the DJI Fly app to let the user change the "RTH climb/maintain altitude" distance. That way you could change it from 50m back to 20m or any other desired distance.
So I just got off the phone with DJI, I purchased a new Mavic Air 2 yesterday and was out testing this morning. This is my first advanced drone but I have been flying advanced RC for years. I noticed my Mavic will not ascend to the RTH set Altitude before heading to the home point. I set it for 100' and the drone was only about 20' off the ground and when I went to use RTH it did not climb it just started flying straight to the home point at the 20' height. So DJI is claiming that the new firmware will no longer let the drone ascend it will only fly straight to the Home Point, they claimed that if you are above that preset RTH height that it will now descend if your about it. This is the total opposite of all the videos and demos I have watched. They said that this went in to effect about 2 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
f the aircraft is at a distance of 5 m to 50 m from the Home Point when the RTH procedure begins, the aircraft adjusts its orientation and flies to the Home Point at the current altitude.
So I just got off the phone with DJI, I purchased a new Mavic Air 2 yesterday and was out testing this morning. This is my first advanced drone but I have been flying advanced RC for years. I noticed my Mavic will not ascend to the RTH set Altitude before heading to the home point. I set it for 100' and the drone was only about 20' off the ground and when I went to use RTH it did not climb it just started flying straight to the home point at the 20' height. So DJI is claiming that the new firmware will no longer let the drone ascend it will only fly straight to the Home Point, they claimed that if you are above that preset RTH height that it will now descend if your about it. This is the total opposite of all the videos and demos I have watched. They said that this went in to effect about 2 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
If the drone is below (I think it's 50' AGL), it will not climb. It will to Home. I think there's also a proximity to you factor, i.e. If it's close to you, it will not ascend. Read the manual. Watch YouTube video on the latest updates. Since you're new to this type of drone, crawl, walk and then run. Read everything you can and watch lots of videos. Do you 1st practices in large open fields where nothing really can be struck by the drone. Nmost crashes etc happen in the first few flights. Don't let this happen to you.
50 meters, not 150.
Sorry, but I was correct. Between 50 meters and 150, the drone will fly straight back at the current altitude. Only at more than 150 meters will it ascend to the selected RTH altitude. EXCEPT if it is above the RTH altitude, it will fly back at THAT altitude.
Sorry, but I was correct. Between 50 meters and 150, the drone will fly straight back at the current altitude. Only at more than 150 meters will it ascend to the selected RTH altitude. EXCEPT if it is above the RTH altitude, it will fly back at THAT altitude.
Between 5 meters and 50, the drone will fly back at the current altitude. Only at more than 50 meters will it ascend.


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Between 5 meters and 50, the drone will fly back at the current altitude. Only at more than 50 meters will it ascend.
I believe my original reply was correct. I was, perhaps, confused here.
Less that 5m distance, the drone will land where it is at that moment. 5m to 50m and beyond 50m is correct as stated above.
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Welcome to the forum and enjoy.

Best thing to do is not allow the drone use RTH.
That is absolutely TERRIBLE advice! Anyone reading that and even considering it at all, PLEASE DISREGARD IT NOW! RTH is a valuable tool and important safety feature that every single pilot needs to be familiar with and know how and when to employ it. It has saved untold drones from being lost, or more importantly, crashing into something. Again, disregard that lame piece of advice.
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