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DJI Customer Loyality

Mad Mavic

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
USA - Tennessee
I guess I must be old school. It used to be if you had brand loyalty, you were treated with a certain amount of respect. For example, I purchased some carbon fiber props from a company by the name of Drone World. I had an incident on takeoff where a prop didn't unfold, resulting in broken blades. Drone World replaced the props at no charge,,, awesome company to deal with.

DJI on the other hand, hasn't quite figured it out. They treat a customer the same regardless of how much patronage you give them, I was told just yesterday that +DJI wasn't obligated to offer me a loyalty discount. I agreed and informed him (an arrogant american) that I had no obligation to purchase any more of their products

They agreed to replace my drone which would not have a warranty, for more than the cost of a new system from Amazon. Which by the way would have warranty, batteries, props, charger, etc.

In summary, if you're buying DJI for service forget it. If you think spending several thousand dollars will afford you some advantages, your out of luck. My advice to anyone buying a DJI product to purchase from Amazon or Drone World, both of which I've had good service. But most important is, learn to repair your own equipment. DJI wanted $1075, im doing it for $300.

DJI has a monopoly, therefore don't have to do anybody any favors.And since they are communists minded, they censor all posts on their site to give buyers a sense of utopia.
You do realised that DJI is a big company with hundreds of thousands of customers. It’s hard for them to be loyal to everyone of them.
You are asking for loyalty discount from a rep. Not sure how much freedom for the rep to just give discounts on behalf of their employer. And they probably don’t have your purchase history in front of them. You could’ve only bought a Spark, and claimed you’ve spend $10k on their products and want a discount on the next purchase.
Sorry but I don't understand your point in comparing Drone World and DJI in this way.

DW replaced some faulty blades costing a few dollars (to them). Quite right, and in my experience common when dealing with low value items.

You then berate DJI because they wouldn't give you a loyalty discount. What for? You don't say.... Because the drone was faulty or because you wanted a second drone and expected/demanded a loyalty discount?
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Customer loyalty is only seem with small businesses when you actual spoke or shook hands with the owner and bought items directly in person. Even then, it’s rarely. For large businesses you are just a customer number.
If you buy your coffee every morning on the way to work at the same coffee shop, do you expect the owner to give you your 10th coffee for free? If you ask, do you think the owner would happily do it? Or a bit of awkward silence? That’s why some just have loyalty cards to punch. You can’t assume you are that extra special the owner recognise your face that you don’t need a punch card.
I’ve spend more money on Apple devices over the years than DJI, so I assume they’ll give some customer loyalty discount? What about Samsung? Some people have fridges, TVs washing machines and a few smartphones over the years. Never heard if they give customer loyalty discounts.
But DJI do over some discounts in the past. Some of us got the discount offers for DJI googles in Feb. Now they are offering DJI Care Refresh+ to cover our drones for an extra year. If you buy directly from DJI, you get some credit for every $1 spend, to be used in your next purchase. Not much, but still nice to have.
I think you are looking for a very special personalised customer loyalty discount that just suits your needs. Good luck with that. I am sure everyone would like that too.
You do realised that DJI is a big company with hundreds of thousands of customers. It’s hard for them to be loyal to everyone of them.
You are asking for loyalty discount from a rep. Not sure how much freedom for the rep to just give discounts on behalf of their employer. And they probably don’t have your purchase history in front of them. You could’ve only bought a Spark, and claimed you’ve spend $10k on their products and want a discount on the next purchase.

I climbed to the top of the food chain so to speak, asking each “rep” to speak to their supervisor. Eventually reaching as high as I was allow which was an American in California. And yes, he had all my purchases in front of him which included my DJI Refresh installments.

So to answer you post, they knew the amount I spent. Let me put it this way. Last year I bought three automobiles from Honda, who I would consider a sizable example. When I purchased the third vehicle, I got it at cost. Why, because the loyalty. Because of the loyalty I made the third purchase; all of which totaled $105k.

It’s not the money, it simply gets down to customer satisfaction.
Customer loyalty is only seem with small businesses when you actual spoke or shook hands with the owner and bought items directly in person. Even then, it’s rarely. For large businesses you are just a customer number.
If you buy your coffee every morning on the way to work at the same coffee shop, do you expect the owner to give you your 10th coffee for free? If you ask, do you think the owner would happily do it? Or a bit of awkward silence? That’s why some just have loyalty cards to punch. You can’t assume you are that extra special the owner recognise your face that you don’t need a punch card.
I’ve spend more money on Apple devices over the years than DJI, so I assume they’ll give some customer loyalty discount? What about Samsung? Some people have fridges, TVs washing machines and a few smartphones over the years. Never heard if they give customer loyalty discounts.
But DJI do over some discounts in the past. Some of us got the discount offers for DJI googles in Feb. Now they are offering DJI Care Refresh+ to cover our drones for an extra year. If you buy directly from DJI, you get some credit for every $1 spend, to be used in your next purchase. Not much, but still nice to have.
I think you are looking for a very special personalised customer loyalty discount that just suits your needs. Good luck with that. I am sure everyone would like that too.

I guess you just need to have your turn on the phone with their service reps; who by the way are very courteous. But it seems my point was missed so I’ll throw it out again.

I bought a product. The product broke do to operator (sent letter with full disclosure) error. The company tried to charge me an inflated price more than other vendors. I asked for a price at least less than that vendor. My request was made to some arrogant (North American, not the humble Chinese I normally speak with). He simply said, and I quote
“ we aren’t obligated to offer you a discount” which is true (as you so elequenty pointed out) therefore I replied, as I probably shouldn’t have, since it proved nothing but a step down to his level, but I said “then I have no obligation to continue spending money with your employer”

In reality, and I realize your point all too well even though thankfully it’s not absolute, but DJI, for the moment, is the best thing going. It’s a shame they don’t realize who got them where they are.

Maybe I should just forget the whole thing and but there is the dang Inspire 2 I’m looking at getting in July LOL
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Sorry but I don't understand your point in comparing Drone World and DJI in this way.

DW replaced some faulty blades costing a few dollars (to them). Quite right, and in my experience common when dealing with low value items.

You then berate DJI because they wouldn't give you a loyalty discount. What for? You don't say.... Because the drone was faulty or because you wanted a second drone and expected/demanded a loyalty discount?

I was using the two to make a point. First off, the blades weren’t defective, it was pilot error in that I wasn’t unfolding the blades.

My point however, is that Drown World, even though I expressed in detail that it was my fault, therefore I would pay for the replacement props, they sent them free of charge. For doing that they got a $1700 sale a few days later.

Your second paragraph seems a little harsh and bias but I’ll give it a go. As I mentioned, the discount I was asking for was simply to offer a price less than what I could purchase a new unit for elsewhere which would have had all the accessories and of course, a warrantee. That was the loyalty I was asking for. In part because I had to date, spent almost to the penny, $5k on DJI progucts.

As I mentioned previous, DJI is the only kid on the block with the technology/price package. I’m going to fix my MPP myself. The second one I have is still without blemish. The first one was just that, the one used to learn With, hence the road rash.

By July, I’ll be getting an Inspire 2, not because I like DJI’s service, but because I love their products.

Look at it this way, you pay cash for a new car. Then, for what ever reason, you break it, rendering it useless. You take it to the dealer explaining your blunder in explicit detail, and they invoice you for more than the original price. Do you pay it, or do you buy another car with warrantee? Berate... nah, just telling it like it is.
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I climbed to the top of the food chain so to speak, asking each “rep” to speak to their supervisor. Eventually reaching as high as I was allow which was an American in California. And yes, he had all my purchases in front of him which included my DJI Refresh installments.

So to answer you post, they knew the amount I spent. Let me put it this way. Last year I bought three automobiles from Honda, who I would consider a sizable example. When I purchased the third vehicle, I got it at cost. Why, because the loyalty. Because of the loyalty I made the third purchase; all of which totaled $105k.

It’s not the money, it simply gets down to customer satisfaction.
So, sounds like you climbed to far up the ladder. You’ve reached the arrogant manager who thinks he answers to no one and you are just bothering and wasting his time.

As for repair, I assumed you didn’t have DJI care refresh? Or insurances?
So, sounds like you climbed to far up the ladder. You’ve reached the arrogant manager who thinks he answers to no one and you are just bothering and wasting his time.

As for repair, I assumed you didn’t have DJI care refresh? Or insurances?

Did have refresh but like I posted elsewhere, this was the drone I cut my teeth on so to speak. In other words I crashed it every way possible, and repaired a lot of damaged parts ( warranty was voided after crashing), but the last crash knocked out my cooling fan and I couldn’t locate the sending unit.

I was the only person on a recent survey that had used both refreshes

BUT, you mentioned Insurance!!! Heck yea! I forgot I do have them insured LMBO.

RayOZ you made my day! You’re a genius. I’m such a DA I forgot I had them insured. Dang I hate being 60 LMBO

I’ll post after I hear from them
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