Just a heads up on MAS props for the
M3P. I put a pair of lime green (not that the color matters) on my drone in November. Only flown about 12 hours on those props, since I've been flying the
Avata daily. I used the MAS screws supplied with the props. On Monday while in midflight, one of the screw heads popped off allowing the prop to release. I fell about 50 ft onto a roadway, barely missing a car. I was not flying over traffic, was over an open field, but when I lost the prop, the drone headed west and I had no conrol. When I went to remove the other lime green props to switch them over to my Orange MAS props, another screw head literally fell off as I touched it with the screwdriver. DJI has sent a replacement drone under my Care Refresh, and I'm waiting to see what MAS will do to resolve this.
To recap, I used the MAS supplied screws, the heads appear thinner and thus weaker (?) than the heads on the DJI screws.
and I used a precision iFixit brand screwdriver, and did not over tighten the props.
I'm a big fan of MAS and use them on my fixed wings and my drones, dating back to the Phantom 1. The props are great, but the screw are just too small and weak IMO.