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DJI Select- Air Accessories Discount?


Active Member
Jan 27, 2018
Does anyone know why air accessories are not listed that you can use your discounted coupons on but all other mavic products are?
I just noticed this. I am confused as when i had my Spark, it told me i was not eligible to sign up. Now that i have the Air it says i can but the Air is not listed under any of the given benefits or 50% dji care.
That kind of offer will never apply to any brand new stuff, they will always keep the opportunity to milk people during the initial rush and high demand period.
I just asked a question on DJI's board but thought I would try this in the Mavic thread. I have DJI Select after purchasing the Mavic Air. I see coupons for accessories and one for a refresh. However, there is nothing about how you get "early access and prioritized shipment". There is NOTHING printed or in the fine print on this issue. The solicitation to buy DJI Select does mention these two benefits.

Do they operate of mental telepathy/osmosis? How do they know when to apply priority or how will I be notified to order before anyone else can? The details are missing but with the Mavic Pro II on the way, I would think others would be curious too. Thoughts?
I just received an email that Air accessories now qualify for DJI select discount. Unfortunately they are not retroactive.