I wrote 8 lines in my last response and you didn’t even read that right. I said to read the article you referenced not mine. Both articles are partisan as is our responses. I have to prove something to you. How about you to me. In your thousand words not one proved you are any more correct than me. Your first post started with
“No, they don't. That's what Trump would like us to think.”
In the partisan article you linked states several places that they are in fact footing it more than we are. Read your liked article. I can copy and paste if need be.
You are quite correct... I did misread what you had written. It's too bad you could not find a way to point that out with civility.
The notion you present that both articles--the one you referenced and the one that I had--are partisan is arguable. In the article you presented Fox news interviewed a Republican senator and provided nothing on balance. That is partisan by definition. The CNBC article I referenced cited a number of opposing viewpoints. That by definition is more balanced.
You would like me to say that the article I referenced is proof China is paying the price for tariffs. In fact, my first remark about the tariffs was that Trump would like us to think China pays the tariffs. In one of his many tweets Trump wrote "For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results." That is clearly misleading. He mentions nothing of the cost to Americans.
I also wrote that tariffs are complicated and I quoted one of the headline excerpts from the CNBC article I referenced: "An expanding body of research shows, however, that the burden of Washington’s tariffs has mostly fallen on the U.S., with American importers and consumers having to fork out more money to buy Chinese goods."
I never said or intended to imply that American's are the only one's suffering due to the tariffs. If that is what I wanted people to believe I would not have referenced the CNBC article that makes it clear
everybody loses. I wanted people to hear divergent, balanced views and I referenced an article that presented divergent views for a more balanced take on things. On the other hand, you referenced a partisan piece that presented only one point of view of one partisan person, a Republican senator.
As an aside, one public opinion poll in terms of bias rates Fox News in a tie with Bretibart as the most biased:
Americans believe the vast majority of news on TV, in newspapers, on the radio, and on social media is biased, according to a survey from Gallup and the Knight Foundation. Here are the most and least biased news outlets in the US, according to Americans.
CNBC is rated as unbiased in at least one poll:
Learn the AllSides Media Bias Rating of CNBC. AllSides rates the media bias of hundreds of news outlets, media sources and writers.
Different web sites and different polls will present differing thoughts on the subject, of course, but you referring to CNBC as liberal or partisan does not make it so. Anybody who wishes to spend some time investigating the leanings of various news sources will in fact find that CNBC has a much closer to neutral rating than Fox.
If you wish to advance the argument that China is or will pay a bigger price than the US in the long run I would not likely argue with that because it remains to be seen. Our discussion about this began with my response to another poster that seemed to believe that China, and not the Americans pay for the tariffs, a notion that was clearly mistaken and perhaps held because of Trump's misleading statements.
The only things I would hope to convince you of is that there is debate about the efficacy of tariffs and that the preponderance of opinion would at this time seems to be that a better way may exist. Another would be that the tactic of criticizing and insulting people as you seem so willing to do is ill-advised and that it reveals more about the perpetrator than the victim and you should own up to that.
I too would like to extend my apologies for having played a role in hijacking this tread. As I suggested back in post 71, perhaps we can get back to discussing drones.