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DJI Smart Controller... prices just jacked up by $100(@$749) INSANE

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I ordered a DJI Smart Controller from right before the price increase caused by the Trump Tariffs. It was on back order at the time and is still listed that way. They keep sending me offers to allow me to cancel my order since I bought in at the $650 price.. I plan on waiting them out. It's a shame Trump has to have his little political war in a way that affects everyday citizens!
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Just got a notice from Advexture that the Smart Controller I ordered and paid for 5 weeks ago just shipped...kinda glad I didn’t cancel it since they are now $100 more.
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I ordered a DJI Smart Controller from right before the price increase caused by the Trump Tariffs. It was on back order at the time and is still listed that way. They keep sending me offers to allow me to cancel my order since I bought in at the $650 price.. I plan on waiting them out. It's a shame Trump has to have his little political war in a way that affects everyday citizens!
God Bless President Trump, for standing up for the USA!!!!!
But the tariffs get paid by China .. don't they?...

No, they don't. That's what Trump would like us to think. It's complicated but in large measure the tariffs are paid by you and me. They are largely a tax on us!

There is some debate and argument about the wisdom of tariffs but in large measure the consensus seems to come down on the side that they are counter productive. "An expanding body of research shows, however, that the burden of Washington’s tariffs has mostly fallen on the U.S., with American importers and consumers having to fork out more money to buy Chinese goods."

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God Bless President Trump, for standing up for the USA!!!!!
Ugh... that sounds like vapid, jingoistic flag waving to me and there is a lot of that amongst the Tump base. I am hard-pressed to find much to like about the man's policies and l find virtually nothing to like about the man himself. That includes the tariffs/trade war he started. Anyone who spends as little as 30 minutes researching who pays the tariffs Trump has imposed (you and me!) and what the consensus is among the financial markets would know they do more harm than good.
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Posting one story from a liberal source does nothing. Here’s one that goes the opposite.
Proves nothing.

The US has been getting taken advantage of for a long time. There will be some short term pain just as in most things that are worth fighting for. Think long term.
If you can’t see the big picture there’s nothing anyone can do to help you.
Posting one story from a liberal source does nothing. Here’s one that goes the opposite.
Proves nothing.

The US has been getting taken advantage of for a long time. There will be some short term pain just as in most things that are worth fighting for. Think long term.
If you can’t see the big picture there’s nothing anyone can do to help you.
I agree with you that posting one piece may do little to substantiate or lend credibility to an argument. This is especially true when the quoted source is of questionable reliability or has an obvious bias. This, however, is exactly what you have done.

For openers, Fox News is a well known mouthpiece for the right and its reporting--which is often poorly thought out opinionated commentary and not respected reporting--is the laughing stock of serious and credible sources. When one stops to research where they get their news from they quickly learn that Fox is often more about opinion than fact. Nothing wrong with opinions, everyone is entitled to theirs, but when it comes to facts that's another story. News reporting should relay facts more than opinions but Fox is not known for that.

Senator Tillis who is being interviewed in the clip to which you linked is obviously biased towards his his republican party. If you look beyond partly and ignore what both the republicans and democrats are saying and pay attention to what the preponderance of respected news reporting agencies are saying, what business is saying, CNBC for example, and what farmers and others hurt by the tariffs are saying, you will find that the tariffs are largely regarded as a poor way to handle things. Even Republicans in congress are rallying against Trump's proposed tariffs on Mexico.

Nobody argues there are problems with China, for example, their theft of our intellectual property, but taxing the American people via tariffs and then lying to them that the tariffs are paid for by China such as Tump has done, fools only the people who aren't willing to do the research needed to understand the facts.

If we believe what we are told without being skeptical and without being willing to question it while taking the time to do some research of our own, then we may believe and mistake opinion for fact. We fall prey to those who would manipulate us for their own gain. We get a country where the rich grow richer and everyone else poorer such as we have.

Your closing remark that implies I cannot see the big picture is of a personal nature, arrogant, insulting, and is inappropriate for this forum. If you want to make me wrong and can substantiate with facts how tariffs are going to improve the lot of Americans then you may have a credible argument and one for which I would thank you, but until then it will remain merely a baseless distraction from the real subject of discussion.

Now, can we get back to talking about drones?
What is this then if not exactly what your accusing.
“Ugh... that sounds like vapid, jingoistic flag waving to me and there is a lot of that amongst the Tump base”
I guess your opinion means more than mine.
Read the entire article you referenced and it contradicts your own arguments.
What is this then if not exactly what your accusing.
“Ugh... that sounds like vapid, jingoistic flag waving to me and there is a lot of that amongst the Tump base”
I guess your opinion means more than mine.
Read the entire article you referenced and it contradicts your own arguments.
My opinion does NOT mean any more than yours, and I did read the whole article and watch the whole video you had referenced from which I gleaned very little. It's the opinion of one partisan person and fails to take into consideration the larger body of opinion from non partisan and even other partisan sources. I don't see how it contradicts anything I put forth.

Thanks for your question "What is this then if not exactly what your accusing". Let me clarify things for you. My comment was made in response to the statement "God Bless President Trump, for standing up for the USA!!!!!" with no fewer than five exclamation points!!!!! That kind of excessive exclamatory is one commonly seen with emotional rather than factual statements. That's what Trump is all about--riling up the emotional state of his base with often unsubstantiated rhetoric, outright lies and juvenile schoolyard tactics such as insults and derogatory comments which are unbecoming and beneath the office of the presidency as well as counterproductive for our country in so many ways. He plays on people's emotions in favor of dealing with reason and facts, if you ask me.

That exclamation was put forth as a fact when it was really only opinion. No facts were presented to support the argument. How exactly has Trump stood up for the USA? Tariffs? The preponderance of respected opinion seems to be that tariffs are a bad idea (even if well-intended). A quick Google will unearth those opinions and I think reasonable people will have to conclude they may not be such a good thing.

When I made my remark I clearly categorized it as opinion. I said "sounds me". That's the difference--separating fact from opinion, something that, IMHO, many people are not very skilled at doing. A lot of tripe is put forth as fact and too often it is accepted as fact without adequate scrutiny. That's what I think.

Nobody has any objection to Trump standing up for America. That's what every patriot wants. The question here is whether or not tariffs are a good way to go about it. I am saying the bulk of opinion is that they are not. This is not my opinion, but rather the opinion of a great many respected sources that can be found with a Google search. There would be far too many references for me to list here.

When you wrote "If you can’t see the big picture there’s nothing anyone can do to help you." you implied I cannot see the big picture, that you can and that I am beyond help. Do you have any idea how insulting that is? It's pretty clear you see your opinion as correct and mine as wrong. That's fine, but there is no need to be insulting about it. Telling somebody they are beyond help is nothing short of insulting.

Meanwhile, I'm listening to hear what facts you can present in favor of tariffs or what respected sources or greater body of opinion supports the notion they are working or will work for our benefit. I am not an economist, but when I scour the media for credible opinions on the subject they are largely against tariffs... and I am not going to buy the worn out Fake News mantra and banner carried by Trump as well as the far right who themselves, IMHO, are the most guilty of purveying fiction over fact.

Perhaps of equal or greater concern is Trump's current attempt to control the free press by calling for a boycott of AT&T that owns CNN until they report the news the way he likes. This should be extremely worrisome to all patriots regardless of party affiliation. Suppressing the free press is anathema to democracy. Want a dictatorship? That's a good first step.
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I wrote 8 lines in my last response and you didn’t even read that right. I said to read the article you referenced not mine. Both articles are partisan as is our responses. I have to prove something to you. How about you to me. In your thousand words not one proved you are any more correct than me. Your first post started with
“No, they don't. That's what Trump would like us to think.”
In the partisan article you linked states several places that they are in fact footing it more than we are. Read your liked article. I can copy and paste if need be.
I apologize to the author of this thread. I’m going to be done here. I feel we have both tried to state our points long enough. I will read the response and hopefully broaden my horizon. Good day.
I wrote 8 lines in my last response and you didn’t even read that right. I said to read the article you referenced not mine. Both articles are partisan as is our responses. I have to prove something to you. How about you to me. In your thousand words not one proved you are any more correct than me. Your first post started with
“No, they don't. That's what Trump would like us to think.”
In the partisan article you linked states several places that they are in fact footing it more than we are. Read your liked article. I can copy and paste if need be.
You are quite correct... I did misread what you had written. It's too bad you could not find a way to point that out with civility.

The notion you present that both articles--the one you referenced and the one that I had--are partisan is arguable. In the article you presented Fox news interviewed a Republican senator and provided nothing on balance. That is partisan by definition. The CNBC article I referenced cited a number of opposing viewpoints. That by definition is more balanced.

You would like me to say that the article I referenced is proof China is paying the price for tariffs. In fact, my first remark about the tariffs was that Trump would like us to think China pays the tariffs. In one of his many tweets Trump wrote "For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results." That is clearly misleading. He mentions nothing of the cost to Americans.

I also wrote that tariffs are complicated and I quoted one of the headline excerpts from the CNBC article I referenced: "An expanding body of research shows, however, that the burden of Washington’s tariffs has mostly fallen on the U.S., with American importers and consumers having to fork out more money to buy Chinese goods."

I never said or intended to imply that American's are the only one's suffering due to the tariffs. If that is what I wanted people to believe I would not have referenced the CNBC article that makes it clear everybody loses. I wanted people to hear divergent, balanced views and I referenced an article that presented divergent views for a more balanced take on things. On the other hand, you referenced a partisan piece that presented only one point of view of one partisan person, a Republican senator.

As an aside, one public opinion poll in terms of bias rates Fox News in a tie with Bretibart as the most biased:

CNBC is rated as unbiased in at least one poll:

Different web sites and different polls will present differing thoughts on the subject, of course, but you referring to CNBC as liberal or partisan does not make it so. Anybody who wishes to spend some time investigating the leanings of various news sources will in fact find that CNBC has a much closer to neutral rating than Fox.

If you wish to advance the argument that China is or will pay a bigger price than the US in the long run I would not likely argue with that because it remains to be seen. Our discussion about this began with my response to another poster that seemed to believe that China, and not the Americans pay for the tariffs, a notion that was clearly mistaken and perhaps held because of Trump's misleading statements.

The only things I would hope to convince you of is that there is debate about the efficacy of tariffs and that the preponderance of opinion would at this time seems to be that a better way may exist. Another would be that the tactic of criticizing and insulting people as you seem so willing to do is ill-advised and that it reveals more about the perpetrator than the victim and you should own up to that.

I too would like to extend my apologies for having played a role in hijacking this tread. As I suggested back in post 71, perhaps we can get back to discussing drones.
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But the tariffs get paid by China .. don't they?

There are over 5000 different product categories subject to the new tariff increases.
Across DJI's product range, different products can be classified and affected differently.
Tariffs are paid by US consumers..the problem for china is tariffs drive prices up so much that consumers will not buy Chinese products.
No, they don't. That's what Trump would like us to think. It's complicated but in large measure the tariffs are paid by you and me. They are largely a tax on us!

You are correct but you are missing the philosophy behind a tariff. The Chinese built an empire on manufacturing. They charged no duties on exports and the US largely charged no rate on imports. They then created manufacturing zones like Shenzen where all of the components were made which reduced the cost of manufacturing as the transport costs were negligible. They also had very little wage control and almost 0 work regulations. That allowed them to staff the plants with workers that were making next to nothing. That is why they could make things so cheaply.

The purpose of a tariff is to dissuade us from buying Chinese products by making them more expensive. Which if we had competition, here in the US drone market, this would be the time for them to make their move. We truly have none and likely never will.
You are correct but you are missing the philosophy behind a tariff. The Chinese built an empire on manufacturing. They charged no duties on exports and the US largely charged no rate on imports. They then created manufacturing zones like Shenzen where all of the components were made which reduced the cost of manufacturing as the transport costs were negligible. They also had very little wage control and almost 0 work regulations. That allowed them to staff the plants with workers that were making next to nothing. That is why they could make things so cheaply.

The purpose of a tariff is to dissuade us from buying Chinese products by making them more expensive. Which if we had competition, here in the US drone market, this would be the time for them to make their move. We truly have none and likely never will.
I'm not sure why you think I'm missing the philosophy behind tariffs (I believe there may be more than one) or how you arrived at that conclusion.

While, as you say, (Trump's) tariffs are to "dissuade us from buying Chinese products" isn't that but a means to the end of getting China to change it's policies and practices, or perhaps raising more taxes from the American consumer, or both?

In any event, if you'd like to converse about this we can do so in private messages rather than hijacking this thread (again).
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