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Do humans still work for DJI or is it all algorithms these days..?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Whitehead, Ireland
Hi all..!
After 5 years of post divorce sub-breadline poverty i decided to treat myself to a drone. After extensive research i threw it all in and purchased an Enterprise Dual. I live in a rural area and figured the FLIR would bot only be fun but potentially useful to me. This was in January.
The weather in the north of Ireland has not been great since, so I'm only just beginning to get the craft in the air with some confidence (given the cost of failure lol!).
Over the weeks i gave become frustrated at the utter lack of any decent Pilot App. tutorials. I would type in DJI Pilot app and up would come a dozen or so Go4 vids..(some even titled as Pilot tutorials for some unexplained reason).
Today, ever more confident, i thought i would try Active Tracking.
One frustrating hour of flying, and two frustrating hours of further research later and i find i seem to have paid extra money for the app(drone) with "all the fun features stripped away", to quote the member i wish id known 4 months ago.
Can anyone reassure me that this has/will be rectified.? Or, at very least, pass me the tissues will i sob.?
Other than this, it has been all the machine i hoped it would be, and the adrenaline buzz of slowly extending my abilities has been truly exhilarating.!
My Mavic pilots email is now my daily treat, as and when i get time to read it.!
Stay high friends.! (Unless of course you want to land..)
Cheers gav..
Hey Gav I feel for your disappointment I really do. DJI has really dropped the ball with this and several other things lately. I don’t really expect DJI to come out with a fix for any time soon but I could be wrong.

I do think however that a third party developer WILL come out with something that will enable the M2ED to do the intelligent flight modes at some point. I do know that a new SDK was just released last week and so hopefully that will have some APIs for connecting to the M2ED. I haven’t had a chance to go through it yet. Hopefully Litchi will lead the way on this because they have the closest thing to a DJI Go 4 replacement.
Hey Gav I feel for your disappointment I really do. DJI has really dropped the ball with this and several other things lately. I don’t really expect DJI to come out with a fix for any time soon but I could be wrong.

I do think however that a third party developer WILL come out with something that will enable the M2ED to do the intelligent flight modes at some point. I do know that a new SDK was just released last week and so hopefully that will have some APIs for connecting to the M2ED. I haven’t had a chance to go through it yet. Hopefully Litchi will lead the way on this because they have the closest thing to a DJI Go 4 replacement.
And you see, that's exactly what i like about this community (and i have a very old qualification in Community Work so i should know lol!)...
Brett i thank you for your response. I feel understood and vaguely hopeful. At my age that's just about as good as it gets, so there's a Guinness/OJ with your name on it in County Antrim.
It's curious how blind spots work with big companies. I spent two awful weeks right at the start trying to purchase DJI's Shield cover, thinking i was doing the right know, stick with the company and they'll stick with you kind of thing..non returning emails (apparently China justs stops communicating at times...imagine that..), verfication videos, confusion (it doesn't take much..)....eventually i just gave up and rang a local company, Dronecover, and was covered in 5 minutes.
And don't start me on that flippin gimbal protector....
Cheers gav..!
And you see, that's exactly what i like about this community (and i have a very old qualification in Community Work so i should know lol!)...
Brett i thank you for your response. I feel understood and vaguely hopeful. At my age that's just about as good as it gets, so there's a Guinness/OJ with your name on it in County Antrim.
It's curious how blind spots work with big companies. I spent two awful weeks right at the start trying to purchase DJI's Shield cover, thinking i was doing the right know, stick with the company and they'll stick with you kind of thing..non returning emails (apparently China justs stops communicating at times...imagine that..), verfication videos, confusion (it doesn't take much..)....eventually i just gave up and rang a local company, Dronecover, and was covered in 5 minutes.
And don't start me on that flippin gimbal protector....
Cheers gav..!
Re the gimble protector. Tried several and am happy now with the PolarPro on my M2P. Very easy on and off, makes stock seem shabby.
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Brilliant Thomas, thank you..i will add to my Amazon basket.
Can't afford to 'check out' until end of month, but nice to hear there is an alternative. It's either that or grow a third arm.
Cheers gav.!
And you see, that's exactly what i like about this community (and i have a very old qualification in Community Work so i should know lol!)...
Brett i thank you for your response. I feel understood and vaguely hopeful. At my age that's just about as good as it gets, so there's a Guinness/OJ with your name on it in County Antrim.
It's curious how blind spots work with big companies. I spent two awful weeks right at the start trying to purchase DJI's Shield cover, thinking i was doing the right know, stick with the company and they'll stick with you kind of thing..non returning emails (apparently China justs stops communicating at times...imagine that..), verfication videos, confusion (it doesn't take much..)....eventually i just gave up and rang a local company, Dronecover, and was covered in 5 minutes.
And don't start me on that flippin gimbal protector....
Cheers gav..!

Cheers my friend!
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A year after this post and still no luck? I didn't even think about all of the flight modes that come with my Zoom not being available when I bought the M2ED. Haven't actually flown it yet. Hopefully this weekend I might go up to the Sierra Nevada mountains here in California and see what wildlife I can spot in FLIR. If you hear anything about active tracking or other modes, please let the world know. Staying high in California. Werepig.
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