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Do I have to manually 'set' RTH?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Hi all,

Perhaps a silly question but do I have to manually set my RTH before commencing with a flight or shall I just wait for it to do automatically?
Hi all,

Perhaps a silly question but do I have to manually set my RTH before commencing with a flight or shall I just wait for it to do automatically?
You need to set it.
You can use the RTH when ever you loose Orientation of the drone and want to get it flying in the right direction back to you. Dont be afraid to use it but make sure you set it to the right levels so you dont waste time flying up.
Gear to fly your Mavic in the Pouring Rain and Land on Water.
If the craft cannot receive sufficient satellite to set the home point reliably on the ground due to obstacles, my practice is to fly it up to a height where all the obstacles are cleared and set the home point manaully there. Sometimes the drone will do it again by itself.
If the craft cannot receive sufficient satellite to set the home point reliably on the ground due to obstacles, my practice is to fly it up to a height where all the obstacles are cleared and set the home point manaully there. Sometimes the drone will do it again by itself.
That is fantastic GEM.
Never would have thought about doing that but I can really see how that would work out nicely.

Great TIP
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Hi all,

Perhaps a silly question but do I have to manually set my RTH before commencing with a flight or shall I just wait for it to do automatically?
Your drone will automatically record its home point as soon as it gets good GPS location data.
If you are launching from an open area where the GPS antenna has a clear, unobstructed view of most of the sky, that should happen fairly soon after powering up.

There's no need to do anything except wait for the drone to give you the GPS - Ready to Fly message.
@Buel as @Meta4 said the home point is set before take off ,but what you do need to set is the RTH height and what action you want the drone to take, should you lose connection between the drone and RC ,and these will vary ,depending on where you are flying at the time
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