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Do you put your contact info on the memory card

I look around at my neighbors. Maybe 25% of them would have the reader and know how to view that SD card.

I'm not trying to win the argument here, but I would like to know why a simple name and phone number on a label isn't 100% sufficient for you guys. I keep wondering if I'm missing something.

When someone finds a sUAS locally they turn it into the Sheriff's Office (or many have anyway). We always open it up and check out the SD card for any "Clues" of the rightful owner. No clues no return to owner.

The SD card is NOT a replacement for FAA# and Physically putting your info on the aircraft but it is a good idea and may offer a small additional peace of mind to the operator.
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When someone finds a sUAS locally they turn it into the Sheriff's Office (or many have anyway). We always open it up and check out the SD card for any "Clues" of the rightful owner. No clues no return to owner.

The SD card is NOT a replacement for FAA# and Physically putting your info on the aircraft but it is a good idea and may offer a small additional peace of mind to the operator.

I guess my label, as shown in picture above, is enough peace of mind for me.
I have a simple TXT file I have that I drop onto the memory card right after every format (from the laptop).

It contains
"If found please contact "ALLEN" (possible reward)
Phone #
Email Addy
PO Box #

FAA Registered Aircraft
For those formatting the card in the drone onsite before flight, carrying a 3x5 card with the above info on it, and shooting a photo of it in front of the camera before launch would embed it. Just be sure to reset your focus to infinity immediately after, or you will be very unhappy!
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For those formatting the card in the drone onsite before flight, carrying a 3x5 card with the above info on it, and shooting a photo of it in front of the camera before launch would embed it. Just be sure to reset your focus to infinity immediately after, or you will be very unhappy!

When I was doing several projects on the same card (one card per project now) I would do exactly as you stated but with the project name/details.

Good idea:)
When I format my SD cards, I Volume label them with my phone number. So if you were to mount my SD cards, you would see::
Drive D: 555-555-1212

I also have my name, phone number, FAA number on and inside the drone (battery compartment too)..
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