I had my biggest moment yet with my Mavic the other day. It was my own Fault.
But Id like to learn from it
So yeh, I flew behind the building I was circling, putting lots of cement, metal and wi-fi in front of me, and got a total loss of Signal/Video feed, the works.
I've no idea what actualy happened, but i had set the RTH higher than the building, so I'd like to think it rose
to the set RTH altititude and made it's way towards the Homepoint. (as my signal resumed in about 20 seconds)
So I guess my question is ...
In the event of a "Complete" Signal break from the Controller & Phone; does Mavic retain the ability/GPS info to RTH?
Perhaps someone could elaborate, thanks
But Id like to learn from it
So yeh, I flew behind the building I was circling, putting lots of cement, metal and wi-fi in front of me, and got a total loss of Signal/Video feed, the works.
I've no idea what actualy happened, but i had set the RTH higher than the building, so I'd like to think it rose
to the set RTH altititude and made it's way towards the Homepoint. (as my signal resumed in about 20 seconds)
So I guess my question is ...
In the event of a "Complete" Signal break from the Controller & Phone; does Mavic retain the ability/GPS info to RTH?
Perhaps someone could elaborate, thanks