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Done with China... Where are other drones made?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Gold Canyon AZ / Kenyon MN
Unless we are left absolutely no alternative, my family and I are done with China. I own a DJI M2P and a M2Z and they are fine drones, but given our recent decision to no longer support Communist China, any new technology that I purchase should come from elsewhere.
I understand that Skydio is made in the USA - are there others made somewhere other than China?
What about kits? My main interest is in aerial photography... Anyone else out there with similar aspirations and thoughts?
Unless we are left absolutely no alternative, my family and I are done with China. I own a DJI M2P and a M2Z and they are fine drones, but given our recent decision to no longer support Communist China, any new technology that I purchase should come from elsewhere.
I understand that Skydio is made in the USA - are there others made somewhere other than China?
What about kits? My main interest is in aerial photography... Anyone else out there with similar aspirations and thoughts?

That’s the problem. There is no other option
I understand that Skydio is made in the USA
Are you just looking for US companies? Or US companies that use all US parts?

I highly doubt all of the parts Skydio is using are made in the US.
If this New York Times article is accurate, it looks like Skydio might not be an option either.

"One California company, Skydio, makes its drones stateside but still uses some Chinese parts. Its chief executive, Adam Bry, said that all the core components were American"
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Looks like your best bet is Parrot or, as you mention and others have stated, maybe Skydio. That said, you're probably going to have to sacrifice to keep the hobby as I doubt either is without some Chinese parts.
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I do realize that there may be some components that may be manufactured in China. To expect a "clean" break from China is probably not realistic.
The idea here is to use as little as possible from China.
Personally, I will happily pay 2x or more for products made entirely of domestic products or products made in Western countries..
China is really ticked at Taiwan - I would happily twist the knife in China's back by buying Taiwanese products if no other options are available..
Unless we are left absolutely no alternative, my family and I are done with China. I own a DJI M2P and a M2Z and they are fine drones, but given our recent decision to no longer support Communist China, any new technology that I purchase should come from elsewhere.
I understand that Skydio is made in the USA - are there others made somewhere other than China?
What about kits? My main interest is in aerial photography... Anyone else out there with similar aspirations and thoughts?

I believe Skydio is made with chinese parts.
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Take a look at your iPads & iPhones, on the back is says designed in America made in China at least that's what is says on any in the UK so are you done with those as well ? ☠

Re-read exactly what you just quoted above.
We’re taking a stand and going to do our best to move forward without being left behind the technology curve.
It has to start somewhere.
I have no problem in buying products made in countries other than China that are imported to the USA.
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Re-read exactly what you just quoted above.
We’re taking a stand and going to do our best to move forward without being left behind the technology curve.
It has to start somewhere.
I have no problem in buying products made in countries other than China that are imported to the USA.

I think the point being made is, it's going to be tough to find any technology made anywhere, that doesn't have Chinese technology/manufacturing involved.
Re-read exactly what you just quoted above.
We’re taking a stand and going to do our best to move forward without being left behind the technology curve.
It has to start somewhere.
I have no problem in buying products made in countries other than China that are imported to the USA.
China leads the world in drone technology; unfortunately, there really isn't a viable alternative. As regards cost, the overwhelmingly majority of consumers won't pay more, so the manufacturing stays there
I think the point being made is, it's going to be tough to find any technology made anywhere, that doesn't have Chinese technology/manufacturing involved.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. If enough people would grow a pair and say that enough was enough - manufacturers will go west or elsewhere to manufacture products people would actually buy.
As far as Chinese Technology is concerned, if you look hard enough you'll find that much of that technology is IP that was stolen from patent holders in the west.
I am not a "willing" participant of the notion of a "one world economy"...
Again - it won't be easy and in some cases, there won't be any immediate alternative to Chinese products in which case we'll have to weigh our needs against our values...
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Good luck on your quest. I think the majority of the cameras, control boards, and lipo’s are probably all comings from Asia.
Good to read. I’m not the only one then! But, as people say, hard to avoid Chinese products. So often slippery terms are used like “assembled in xxxx” or “designed in xxxx”. But the contents? Chinese. No problem with Chinese people! Just the CCP! Sad DJI are from there - only option really... for now...
I have a Parrot Anafi in my fleet and it's a great drone. I have sold and bought upgrades of many of my drones of the last couple of years and every time I consider "what am I going to sell in order to fund the purchase of the x" the Anafi always makes the cut.
Unless we are left absolutely no alternative, my family and I are done with China. I own a DJI M2P and a M2Z and they are fine drones, but given our recent decision to no longer support Communist China, any new technology that I purchase should come from elsewhere.

100% agree and would love to follow suit if there was any decent non Chinese options.
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Are $3 tee shirts really worth it? Granted, if same tee shirt was made in USA, it would cost $9. As consumers, we want "bang for our buck", but at what costs? I don't trust communist China, but I don't blame them for taking our money...just look at the shelves in Walmart, Target, etc.
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[QUOTE="China is really ticked at Taiwan - I would happily twist the knife in China's back by buying Taiwanese products if no other options are available..

Taiwan is not part of China so go for it if there is a decent Taiwanese option.
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