Hey forum,
I lurk alot but rarely post.
I finally had to on this one.
I know a lot of people here are not a fan of -0 flying. Dji doesn't reccommend it. Failures Etc etc.
Let's be honest 90% of people do not completely follow every manufacturers guideline. They are exactly that, guidelines.
I would love to only take my mavic out in perfect conditions, but living in the center of canada we are -0c from October to May. That doesn't leave much time for perfect condition flights.
I can't just shelve this thing for most of the year.
I'm sure if you live in the beautiful warn south (I'm jealous). Then you can be a bit more selective with your flying conditions. But here we don't have that luxury.
So we go outside the manufacturers guidelines and take the onus on ourselves if something goes wrong. At no point was the OP blaming DJI for the crash. Just wondering what couldve happened.
As with many people here I have flown my drone in -20 c weather . I've taken it quading , sledding, and ice fishing. I've taken this Bird thru the beautiful snow covered mountains of British Columbia and even snowboarding. All capturing beautiful footage and All without a single problem . And as with any flight I was just as concerned that a failure could happen.
Keep in mind we have different leisure activities up in the cold. We know how to have fun when it's cold, and sometimes you want to film it.
Let's be honest, how many items have you used outside of the "manufacturer guidelines" and found kick *** alternate uses for it. ? Half of these forums wouldn't exist if people only operated under the guidelines. (Mods, height restriction removals, etc) all of these could create a failure, yet we still love to push the "manufacturer guidelines"
Just because I have flown in -20 with no problems , doesn't necessarily mean that you won't, but as other mentioned keep the batteries warm, and let it hover for a few minutes to get to a good temp. Same as you'd do with your car. Take as many precaution as you can and just be smart about it.
If it's a beautiful sunny -20 day with no wind and you really want to take her out for a short journey, by all means at your liability do so, but be aware of battery temps and times.
If it's - 5c but snowing like all **** - don't take it out. (Not saying I haven't done that, but I'm more willing to take a risk with my equipment for a beautiful shot. )
All I'm trying to say is maybe try to think how their situation may be different than yours before chastising them for not following what rules you follow.