I agree, and there's not any market for people willing to pay for such an app, so the testing, development, and debug necessary to get it to work under a wide range of conditions and aircraft simply will not be bothered with.At this point, we may be looking as differences not only between Android devices, but also versions of Android. At this point I think the indignation of the “Karen APP” working with the Remote ID of a drone to be pretty much a non-event. We can’t see it when we want to.
Karen apps won't have much of a chance with crapples. Crapples only work with crapple certified devices. It may not be android version rather the capability of the bluetooth and wifi hardware on your device to pick up remote ID broadcasts.Went to a club field (SPMRC, Ham Lake, MN) to intentionally have multiple Android devices scan and locate my Air 2S with latest firmware, broadcasting Remote ID. IOS devices never saw the Air 2 S, even at distances as close at 50 feet where I would expect Bluetooth to work, at least minimally. Two Android tablets with Drone Scanner installed scanned for the drone. One never saw it al all. The other said that there was a drone broadcasting, but never specified a location for either the drone Or the pilot.
At this point, we may be looking as differences not only between Android devices, but also versions of Android. At this point I think the indignation of the “Karen APP” working with the Remote ID of a drone to be pretty much a non-event. We can’t see it when we want to.
Happy to discuss this with all of you.
It's June 17th and I just downloaded Dronetag's DRONE SCANNER app.
My Mavic 3 Classic is RID compliant, but it doesn't show up on the app.
Drone Scanner says it has scanned for Blue Tooth AND Wi-Fi- and says
that there are "0" ZERO drones around.
I see the the GPS map on the app is accurate.... I see my location dead center on screen.
My drone is 50 feet away and 80 feet AGL.... but not recognized.
Are the drones not transmitting RID signals yet?
Is Drone Scanner not fully active???
Anybody have any current info on this topic?
Update.... I got the app to work.
It is working all too well! It spotted my drone doing a hyperlapse, it gave me Serial Number, Mac. Address
Signal Strength, First seen (20 sec ago), Last seen, Messages (4) ... unsure of what that means, Distance from App user, Altitude, Horizontal speed.
I then tapped on 'Follow aircraft' and it showed on a map the drone's position, direction (heading) just like the DJI RC controller map, and gave a distance count down until landing stating the drone is 3 meters away! Kinda' Scarry.
App was not working yesterday, but 'mobilehomer' mentioned there may be a switch to turn scanning on,
so I poked around 3 different pages in 'settings' (blindly) and turned on anything that looked related.
Maybe I triggered something but I am TOTALLY ON THE RADAR NOW!
The settings I tinkered with were in the app.... not the controller.
Unsure of what I did, but the Drone Scanner by Dronetag is doing what it claims it would.
So, anyone scanning my drone would be able to track me down within a couple of meters
of my launch / landing spot. Even if I relocated after launch, they can follow the map
and follow that blue line to my landing location.
All info on the phone app was easy to read and understand by whoever would use the app.
One good thing is says "UNKNOWN OPERATOR" but my serial number was correct.
I also clicked on 'Export Data" was able to email ALL INFO collected by the app....
Copied and Pasted below for you to see (Mac address and Serial number altered for my privacy)
mac address
Location Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
AircraftStatus.Airborne,HeightType.Takeoff,361.0,0.0,0.0,33.575012199999996,-117.72602839999999,-1000.0,164.0,63.5,HorizontalAccuracy.meters_10,VerticalAccuracy.meters_25,VerticalAccuracy.Unknown,SpeedAccuracy.Unknown,1969-12-31 16:00:02.712,1.0
BasicId Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
System Data Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
OperatorLocationType.LiveGNSS,ClassificationType.Undeclared,33.5716477,-117.728279,1,0,-1000.0,-1000.0,AircraftCategory.Undeclared,AircraftClass.Undeclared,102.5,2023-06-18 14:04:33.174
mac address
Location Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
AircraftStatus.Airborne,HeightType.Takeoff,361.0,0.0,0.0,33.575012199999996,-117.72602839999999,-1000.0,164.0,63.5,HorizontalAccuracy.meters_10,VerticalAccuracy.meters_25,VerticalAccuracy.Unknown,SpeedAccuracy.Unknown,1969-12-31 16:00:02.712,1.0
BasicId Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
System Data Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
OperatorLocationType.LiveGNSS,ClassificationType.Undeclared,33.5716477,-117.728279,1,0,-1000.0,-1000.0,AircraftCategory.Undeclared,AircraftClass.Undeclared,102.5,2023-06-18 14:04:33.174
mac address
Location Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
AircraftStatus.Airborne,HeightType.Takeoff,361.0,0.0,0.0,33.571659,-117.72825619999999,-1000.0,102.0,2.0,HorizontalAccuracy.meters_10,VerticalAccuracy.meters_25,VerticalAccuracy.Unknown,SpeedAccuracy.Unknown,1969-12-31 16:00:04.011,1.0
BasicId Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
System Data Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
OperatorLocationType.LiveGNSS,ClassificationType.Undeclared,33.571637599999995,-117.7282786,1,0,-1000.0,-1000.0,AircraftCategory.Undeclared,AircraftClass.Undeclared,103.0,2023-06-18 14:06:42.971
mac address
Location Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
AircraftStatus.Airborne,HeightType.Takeoff,361.0,0.0,0.0,33.571659,-117.72825619999999,-1000.0,102.0,2.0,HorizontalAccuracy.meters_10,VerticalAccuracy.meters_25,VerticalAccuracy.Unknown,SpeedAccuracy.Unknown,1969-12-31 16:00:04.011,1.0
BasicId Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
System Data Message,MessageSource.WifiBeacon
OperatorLocationType.LiveGNSS,ClassificationType.Undeclared,33.571637599999995,-117.7282786,1,0,-1000.0,-1000.0,AircraftCategory.Undeclared,AircraftClass.Undeclared,103.0,2023-06-18 14:06:42.971
Like I mentioned,.... I don't know EXACTLY what I did, but I was in the Drone Scanner app, clicked on the 3 dots upper right, then preferences and monkeyed around in there. Looking at my settings now (on my android phone) I have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-beacon & NaN both switched ON. below that under "Standards" it says bluetooth & legacy Fully supported. Permissions say Wi-Fi, Location and Bluetooth are all CHECKED as 'Granted'What did you do to get it to work? It is September 13th and I have tried several times with my Mini 3 Pro and my Mavic 3 classic and after 20 plus minutes. Nothing. I see my dot on the map , but 0 drones.
This is in addition to my reply to you 5 min ago.... All of this was done on my phone... not the drone or the controller. You can rest assured that your drone is transmitting the Remote ID !!! I'm not worried about the law coming after me... it's the drone haters with an axe to grind and a few too many beers cumin' to giv-me-what-fer!What did you do to get it to work? It is September 13th and I have tried several times with my Mini 3 Pro and my Mavic 3 classic and after 20 plus minutes. Nothing. I see my dot on the map , but 0 drones.
Thank you. Now this makes sense. I have a Motorola Razer. I know it is more secure because of limited discovery times. I am going to remove the drone scanner app. Also do you have a preference on open sky vs air soft for approved flight software. It looks like open sky remembers the last location flown while air soft always wants to go to my current location. Of course that could be a settings or preferences issue.Drone Scanner on a Galaxy S22 Ultra (Android) detects my Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Pro, but the app installed on a Galaxy S23 Ultra does not. Both phones have recent firmware and the apps are configured the same.
I am not familiar with those.Also do you have a preference on open sky vs air soft for approved flight software.
I have the Galaxy S21 Ultra and It detects my Mavic 3 Classic.Drone Scanner on a Galaxy S22 Ultra (Android) detects my Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Pro, but the app installed on a Galaxy S23 Ultra does not. Both phones have recent firmware and the apps are configured the same.
There will be some folks who will be shocked to not only hear that you are already using the app to track and locate other drone pilots *before* the official RID compliance data has even arrived but also that you have quickly figured out that a pilot's home address is likely to be discovered because just like leaving and coming home to your garage with your car, it's likely you do it at least once with your drone.I have the drone scanner app installed on my galaxy s10. It picked up my drone and accurately shows its height and location along with my location
My neighbor across the street had a real estate photographer take drone shots. Out of curiosity I pulled out the app and it picked his drone up.
There also is a very annoying drone that will hover over my deck and driveway at lower altitudes making no secret that he was looking at what we were doing. Felt like an invasion or privacy. Thanks to the app, I now know where this person has taken off from at his house. Perhaps I should go into Karen mode and knock on his door????
So it does work and I can understand how it could be used to harass drone pilots. Maybe there are some that should be harassed. Perhaps the moral of the story is never fly from your own yard. I am not keen on how my piloting location can easily be determined.
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