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Drone Vest

Prop Wash

Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Apr 28, 2021
Orangevale, CA USA
I've seen these for sale - I'm wondering how many "actually" wear one like this (or similar) when flying? Why 'Yes' or why 'No?' Did you get one to wear, then over time, stop wearing it? Any issues when wearing it - with other people or LEO'S?
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I've seen these for sale - I'm wondering how many "actually" wear one like this (or similar) when flying? Why 'Yes' or why 'No?' Did you get one to wear, then over time, stop wearing it? Any issues when wearing it - with other people or LEO'S?
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I looked at the other thread but they don't answer your questions. In the summer, wouldn't it be uncomfortable? I personally don't where one. To lazy I guess. If I get approached it's either a ciitizen, who wants to buy a drone or just watch. Or It's some type of local code enforcement agent. The code enforcement guys always say it's not allowed, no matter where I am. Their problem is they don't know their own local codes. I just pack up, leave and go somewhere else. But If were, doing a 107 job, I would probably get one of the vests or maybe even have a light material, yellow shirt made with the same writing on it, too stay cool in the summer months. Some people recommend a hard hat, but I would also get a matching baseball cap with maybe just the letters FAA on it. But as I said, too lazy and I just don't want to stick out like a bright yellow or orange beacon for everyone to see.
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I try to stay away from people when I fly and I don't want to attract any unnecessary attention so I would not wear one...also a little leery about having FAA on it...someone will claim that it appears that you are representing yourself as an FAA employee
I also avoid flying around lots of people. But when I do fly, I wear a bright orange or green vest. I want to look legiit..not like I'm trying to hide.
I have one and my adult kids and grandkids think it is cool - or at least that’s what they say. I do wear it especially in my Pre dawn prep for a sunrise pictures. The dim lighting combined with frequent nearby joggers are good reasons. The available pockets are great. Since I do have my 107 there is nothing on that vest that is a misrepresentation in my opinion.
I have one and my adult kids and grandkids think it is cool - or at least that’s what they say. I do wear it especially in my Pre dawn prep for a sunrise pictures. The dim lighting combined with frequent nearby joggers are good reasons. The available pockets are great. Since I do have my 107 there is nothing on that vest that is a misrepresentation in my opinion.
Without a 107 I think the only true statement can be FAA registered pilot.
I personally think that it's up to the pilot to launch from a place that it's not going to disturb others not the other way around. If your actually working a job you should have a spotter/assistant to control the environment.
If one is filming with a news team or police work that could be a different story. But I have no problem telling others...Hey I'm maxed out here, be with you in a minute. or you could always say...give me a lot of room I have no idea what I'm doing ;)
Short answer..I don't like them.
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I wear one 100% of the times when I’m flying for work…or for “work“ meaning capturing B-roll type footage. When I’m at the parks or any type recreational area however I do not. The main reason I do when working is bc when anyone sees your vest they know you’re not some perv or creep just flying around so they dont mess with you...this has included cops so far. I’ve never been approached except when it was to say how cool my quad was. Between the vest and a landing pad I feel they know I’m a serious flyer and to leave me alone. I say if you’re near anyone ones homes it could help let them know you’re not peeping on their home. This has worked for me.

oh, I also wanted to add that having your part 107 would definitely help. Not necessary but would help. My vest has a clear pocket where my license slides in and is always visible. That way if your vest does say FAA anywhere on it youd be more legit.
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Wear mine on the job all the time. It saves a lot of hassle. If you want to do a job with minimal hassle wear a vest and a hard hat. I have the same exact vest, 2 actually. They are very nice. My company provides some, but they have tear away vests for use on machinery and I do not care for them. I have one with my Business name and one that is plain for working my main job.

You can also find some that has drones in use on them if you do not have your 107.
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We have one for each of our employees that we wear on Construction Jobs, at Events, or if working in an area we need High Visibility (road side etc). They don't say Drone Pilot or anything like that. They have out company name/logo and our designation etc in small letters. Been doing it like this since ~2014 or so.
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your responses. Like so many things, it comes down to the pilot's choice.
As stated, it can serve as a barrier keeping some people back or it could be an attraction. People would "know" who to talk to. I wanted to get other viewpoints to help me decide. If I bought one and it turns out to be a magnet to "Karen" and I end up not wearing it, it's $ I could have spent on something else.
I have a FAA vest I sometimes wear. But I have not worn it in awhile now due to the heat. Plus I have a drone hat and a couple of drone pins on my hats.
I looked at the other thread but they don't answer your questions. In the summer, wouldn't it be uncomfortable? I personally don't where one. To lazy I guess. If I get approached it's either a ciitizen, who wants to buy a drone or just watch. Or It's some type of local code enforcement agent. The code enforcement guys always say it's not allowed, no matter where I am. Their problem is they don't know their own local codes. I just pack up, leave and go somewhere else. But If were, doing a 107 job, I would probably get one of the vests or maybe even have a light material, yellow shirt made with the same writing on it, too stay cool in the summer months. Some people recommend a hard hat, but I would also get a matching baseball cap with maybe just the letters FAA on it. But as I said, too lazy and I just don't want to stick out like a bright yellow or orange beacon for everyone to see.
Those type vests are very light and airy. No problem in hot weather at all. Had the same type with the Sheriff's Dept.
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My kids think I'm nerdy enough looking with my lanyard attached to my controller...they wouldn't want to be anywhere near me if I had that on :D I don't try to hide, but I don't like to draw attention to myself either. I've had people come up and chat a bit and it's pleasant and hasn't been a problem for me.

Since I hand launch and land now, I don't even bother with my landing pad, which was something else I felt like put up a neon sign saying "DRONE HERE!".
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I try to fly as far away from other people as possible but I do wear a Hi-viz waistcoat which has the information on the back informing people that I am flying. If anyone shows any alarm I bring the drone down and this nearly always results in a positive conversation.
I've seen these for sale - I'm wondering how many "actually" wear one like this (or similar) when flying? Why 'Yes' or why 'No?' Did you get one to wear, then over time, stop wearing it? Any issues when wearing it - with other people or LEO'S?
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I own one and have in back pack the past 2 years. Have never bothered to take it out. If ever questioned by legal or non legal authorities, will take out and put on vest and if that doesn't do the trick, will offer to show my FAA Part 107 credentials. If not a legal authority, request they show their credentails and if there's push back will dial 911 and say where I am, flying a drone legally and being harassed to the point of danger.
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I've had a vest for 6 months now and put it on before I do anything, I always wear it. Well to be visible and open for questions if anyone is curious about our occupation (sport).
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