Can your computer run Linux?
I have a DIY one that uses Gawk in Linux, it's based of one posted in here a while back. It works off the csv's of Phantomhelp or Flightreader or TXTlogToCSVtool / TXTlogToCSVtoolMM and summarises each log into a single line in the log book, for the
Mini 2 alone it would be the Phantomhelp or Flightreader csv's.
It's a work in progress and you could adjust it to suit your needs if you can program, I CAN NOT program so I have sort of blundered my way through it lol.
For some bits it has particular requirements for the way the csv's are named, so not to everyones taste but I might be able to play with it to remove that need.
The output is a csv with column titles such as
logname, Drone_type_$63, drone_name_$234, drone_sn(a)_$263, drone_sn(b)_$233, drone_act_date_$235, DAT_file_nos_$210, Firmware_Ver_$240, cameraSN_a $236, cameraSN_b $264, controller_sn(a)_$237, controller_sn(b)_$265, App_Ver_$232, battery-sn(a)_(JF)_$266, battery-sn(b)_(ID)_$238, bat_cent_cell_sn_(DP)_$120, bat_prod_dat_(DQ)_$121, charge-count_(U)_$111 , Flight_length_(sec)_IS_$253, Drone_switched_on_time_(sec)_(BH)_$60, bat_volt_start_(V)_(EJ)_$140), bat_volt_end_(V)_(EJ)_$140, bat_perc_start_$146, bat_perc_end=$146, Latitude_(deg)_$13, Longitude_(deg)_$14, max_distance_running_(m)_$11, Distance travelled_(m)_$10 , Distance travelled_'mine'_(m)_$10, max-height_(m)_$254, height_difference=landing-take_off_(m)_$15, flying_alt_(m)_$15, log_start_height_(m)_$15, ave_+ve_height_(m)_$15, ave_-ve_height_(m)_$15, lowest_point_(m)_$15, Total_climb_flight(m)_$15, Total_climb_ALL(m)_$15, Max_pitch_forward_$20, Max_pitch_reverse_$20, Max_roll_right_$21, Max_roll_left_$21, max_speed_(m/s)_$255, max_descent_rate_(m/s)_$256, max_climb_rate_(m/s)_$19 , photo_count_(IW)_$257 (
PROBLEMATIC) , video_count_$165, card_size_(kb)_(FU)_$177, card_space_start_(kb)_$178, card_space_end_(kb)_$178, Card_space_used_(kb)_$178, Max_GPS_sats_$50, Av_GPS_sats_$50, Nos_of_lines_$248, flightdate_from_FILENAME, Nos_RTHs_in_flight_$23, Running_total_no_of_RTHs_$23, prog_run_time_(sec).
There are other
quirky columns that might not be wanted.
the numbers after the "$"s refer to the column numbers in the TXTlogToCSVtool csv for a Phantom 3, letters in brackets where present e.g (DQ), (EJ), (JF) refer to the letter address of those columns.
i.e. charge-count_(U)_$111 = column U , column number 111 (in the Phantom 3 PH csv
Current run time on my ancient laptop is around 8 minutes for 3500 + logs, 5,000,000+ lines in those csv's. As is, it seems to works for Go, Go4 and Fly app logs.
I do not doubt a real programmer would think it is atrocious coding ...... but it works lol.
Let me know if you are interested.