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Jan 6, 2018
Eastern sierra ca
had a new experience for this newbie droner yesterday afternoon. Had been hiking and droning a bit and was leaving to go home when the lighting was just too good to pass up another flight. Pulled the jeep over jumped out to get setup and heard "that" unmistakeable sound.

For a split second thought i might not be able to fly. But it sounded like it was off to the east and a fair ways away from where i was going. I scanned the area and off in the distance i saw a couple of parked vehicles. Figured one had to be the operator.

I live in a pretty rural area, mostly federal land around us but gets alot of tourist activity and rock climbers due to the awesome location.

Anyways i thought it was a bit funny to be flying at the same time and near someone else in my "fairly" remote local!
I flew in an area near Santa Cruz , Ca and had a Phantom (unknown model) buzz me a few times as it was at the time when the Mavic was first available and the operator of the Phantom obviously was curious to see what I was flying. The operator flew right over my head and hovered at about 100 feet AGL as I was landing to switch batteries. I just picked up my Mavic after landing and held it up so the Phantom operator could see it while I did a little too bad you dont have one of these dances.
Got this screen grab from the video when we were both flying the area.
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I forgot to mention last week my wife and i walking the dogs in the desert and a really weird sound. Turned out to be a parot disco flying around. Less than 100 agl checking us out i supose. I it was alot louder than the mp!
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