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dumldore problem


Active Member
Mar 24, 2017
Hi all.
I've been flying forever on 1.03.0400 and was happy.
For some reason I have decided to update to the newest - probably thinking that one year after dji has polished out things by now.
Oh man how wrong I was. I really want to smash some faces at dji- you just broke my perfect drone with the **** update!!!!! terrible downlink issues in area with virtually no interference! but not every time it happens then it's all fine. then again. and I'm abroad on the job!
Anyway - found dumldore and proceeded to downgrade - all seemed fine - well it hanged at 86 percent when flashing- like forever- giving me heart attack but eventually finished - said all good.
restarted mavic - checked the version and it's still on 1.04.0200
Any ideas anyone?
I believe, from when I used Dumldore, that you can ignore that 1.04.0200 display. It still shows that even when the firmware downgrade was successful. Try it and find out. And I think 86% was the same place that it stalled for several minutes with me too, I think that's pretty common.

If the firmware downgrade doesn't work, you can also contact DJI Support online and just give them your serial # and location and see if they'll give you a pass-code. That happened to 2 friends of mine recently in Mexico in a NFZ and they were both issued a code to fly in the NFZ immediately, on-the-spot, online, with no questions asked: "Fly at your own risk - here you go...." --- all they can do is say "no", or tell you it might take a while.
Thanks for the reply. I have no problems regarding nfz- it's video downlink having smearing the picture all over the screen that is the problem. And it lags too- like 5 sec lag- it really is unflyable. It doesn't matter how far from the drone I am- even at half a meter it happens- and then after restart I can fly 10m above the ground for nearly 2km and all is fine. Never ever had any such problems before and software upgrade is the only variable here. I'll do some tests tomorrow morning and see if it worked- hope it did as I am really needing my mavic to be reliable now. It's not just the locations I'm filming- I've got people lined up for shootings- bikers, cyclists... yesterday had rowers on the river just for me- luckily mavic worked just fine and then today it acted up again ehhh why oh why was I tempted to do that bloody update?
Just an update.
Tried it today and it went haywire- I've launched but hovering was all over the place- not solid like I'm used to- decided to land straight away. Now the funny thing- it just landed like sensors weren't there. Pulled up checked the settings and tried again- straight to the ground- if not the experience it would be a crash landing- motors didn't go off so pulled the sticks down together- nothing- apart- nothing- then mavic started to pull the nose up on it's own scuffing the rear blades against the ground- I've brought it up then and grabbed from underneath and it was fighting like a shark (obviously as it resembles one) and with other hand I tried switching off but no luck. Stretching my skills I pulled the battery and so I won. Heart pounding. Came home and decided to do a normal update and surprise- I had an access to 1.03.1000 so I've done that. Now off for testing. I hope it's back to normal. Fingers crossed
Testing done.
Everything seems to be solid good. Video downlink is rock solid for at least 1km. Mavic is flying like it was before. So I learned something today. Don't fix if it isn't broken. I also do believe that dji is doing what phone manufacturers do- with updates you get features and 'fixes' to the point when you may think that your hardware starts failing- and some/many people will just buy new one. Or new model. Or all this is just coincidence. Maybe new 1.04 firmwares are good for newer mavics- I don't know. What I do know is 1.04 made my mavic pretty unusable while on 1.03 it's all good. Also- if you roll back using dumldore to old 1.03 (1.03.0400 in my case) then assistant shows 1.03.1000 as an option.
I am hoping that I will not need to add any more stories to this thread - meaning the current fw will be good and glitch free.
And maybe someone will find it a solution to their problem.
Testing done.
Everything seems to be solid good. Video downlink is rock solid for at least 1km. Mavic is flying like it was before. So I learned something today. Don't fix if it isn't broken. I also do believe that dji is doing what phone manufacturers do- with updates you get features and 'fixes' to the point when you may think that your hardware starts failing- and some/many people will just buy new one. Or new model. Or all this is just coincidence. Maybe new 1.04 firmwares are good for newer mavics- I don't know. What I do know is 1.04 made my mavic pretty unusable while on 1.03 it's all good. Also- if you roll back using dumldore to old 1.03 (1.03.0400 in my case) then assistant shows 1.03.1000 as an option.
I am hoping that I will not need to add any more stories to this thread - meaning the current fw will be good and glitch free.
And maybe someone will find it a solution to their problem.

I'm happy for you.
What is your Mavic model?
I have an M Air and after that I went to the fimware 400 it got a ****.
I'm trying to test DUMLdore to try to return to the 300
Now that it works, turn off auto-update so it will not change.
Just a note for next time, rotating mavic onto its side while motors are running will cause it to shut off.
I know- that didn't work that time- neither upside down (don't know iif that's supposed to work too)
My standard mavic pro is now well tested. It's good like before! My guess for all that is- newest fw are more resource hungry. I've noticed something with 1.03.1000 that I haven't seen with .400 - in high winds it tells me to land immediately. I guess it's a smart safety feature but I just wish I could set the threshold for it as it seems really overcautious. I mean if I can - in normal mode- fly upwind quite comfortably - then the wind isn't that high really. In high winds I always pick my launch point in the way that I fly upwind then com back downwind anyway.
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