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Early a.m. outside temp 49F pop-up states only 10% batt left ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
... I had not yet learned from a fellow member how to take a screenshot with my iPad, so I cannot state the actual numbers, including the temp of the aircraft at take-off. What I do recall is that my bare fingers on the sticks felt very cold.

Also, although it's true that I do use up some battery with my pre-flight checks, I never launch with less than 90% remaining

But if memory serves, I hadn't been in the air more than a few minutes -- and the remaining AC battery was well over 50% -- when a pop-up informed me that I had only 10% remaining.

Luckily and as always, I was only a coupe of meters distant from the aircraft's home point, and not very high either, but by the time I'd landed -- in less than a minute -- I was nevertheless down to 5%.

I was aware from the manual that cold weather is dangerous, but it had not occurred to me that 49F should be considered that cold.

I'm going to Search past posts to learn how to retrieve this a.m.'s flight log in an attempt to verify the data.
Check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then please post a link back here after you upload it.
On cold days it’s a good idea to keep your Mavic batteries somewhere warm before flying as they will have reduced performance when cold. If that isn’t possible you’ll have to hover for a few minutes to let the battery warm up a bit.
Yes, but I wouldn’t think that 49F would be considered cold by any stretch. Doesn’t really explain what happened here.
49F is not cold. Need more info about battery, how long since last charge, how old is it, what is the voltage of each cell etc.

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