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Error with DUMLdoreV3 to install Firmware V01.03.0700_Mavic_dji_system


Nov 5, 2018
Buenos amigos.

Se disculpa si rompo alguna regla del foro, pero si no hablo inglés me cuesta entenderlo.
Leí algún post tratando de encontrar respuestas.

Estoy intentando instalar el Firmware V01.03.0700_Mavic_dji_system con DUMLdore, pero no me lo permite, aparece una excepción de error no controlada en la aplicación. Si recorta para continuar, la aplicación ignorará este error e intentará continuar.

Por eso no puedo degradar el firmware

Informacion General
Sistema operativo w8

El Mavic Pro instaló una memoria micro SD de 8GB en su interior porque no estaba instalado.

Habrá algún otro programa como el DUMLdore para probar.

Os dejo la imagen del error.
Good friends.

I apologize if I break some forum rule, but if I do not speak English it's hard for me to understand.

I read a post trying to find answers.

I am trying to install Firmware V01.03.0700_Mavic_dji_system with DUMLdore, but it does not allow it, an exception of uncontrolled error appears in the application. If you trim to continue, the application will ignore this error and try to continue.

That's why I can not degrade the firmware

General information

Operating system w8


The Mavic Pro installed an 8GB micro SD memory inside because it was not installed.

There will be some other program like the DUMLdore to try.

I leave you the image of the error.

Thank you


  • Dumldore v3.15.jpg
    Dumldore v3.15.jpg
    48.1 KB · Views: 39
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are you using old version of djiass,almost sounds like sd card problem,the one you put in
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Thank you for attend.
The drone does not come with the internal card, but it has already been placed.
I put an 8GB memory in it.
Looking on the internet, apparently the error is software with net.framework.
Both the command and the drone send the same error.
Thank you for attend.
The drone does not come with the internal card, but it has already been placed.
I put an 8GB memory in it.
Looking on the internet, apparently the error is software with net.framework.
Both the command and the drone send the same error.

if i remember correctly i had to flash it three times to get it to take. try watching the nld video and doing the steps. i would do a step then pause then go one. should be a spanish translator on u tube? good luck i hoe you get it going. persistence and determination are omnipotent.
I had the same problem and needed to hang up. When I turned the windows on again it made usb noise connected and disconnected in loop. I can not connect to the aircraft any more. Can someone help me?
There is a USB port on the internal card. Can I install the firmware over there?
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