Well-Known Member
This fits with exactly why (other than covid) I got my p107. The advice was summed up as I was posting my fun hobby videos to Facebook/twitter/instagram. Because this was self promotion on SM I need p107.Update: I emailed the FAA last night, including a link to our YouTube channel, explaining what we have been discussing here.
Here is the reply I got this morning.
“Let me respond by giving you the context of the law. Direct financial compensation, or the lack of it, is not the determinant for the type of operation you are conducting. All small UAS (under 55 pounds) operations in the U.S. National Airspace System are governed by law. That law is 14 CFR Part 107.
There is a limited statutory exception (a "carve out") to the law which, under certain circumstances, allows operation for recreation ONLY.
If you post drone video to social media you no longer own the rights to that imagery. It is difficult to rationalize that as a recreational use.
My advice is that if you have a remote pilot certificate there is no question that you are abiding by the law.”
I have aspirations to make the hobby pay for itself, and maybe even fly for where I work, so the issue wasn't too big of a burr under my saddle.