Your drones are not Category 2. Category 2-4 have to be FAA certified as OOP compliant. The manufacturers must apply for a Declaration of Compliance.I have a Mavic 2 and Mavic 3 Pro. Both are RID compliant and are in the 900~ish gram weight class. I have my 107 but am still confused on this subject (just being honest).
Can I shoot an event if I'm not hovering over people, staying on the perimeter, (maybe over trees and buildings) and merely transitioning from point to point? Will it help my case if I have a VO or VOs?
I think my drones would be in the Category 2 class.
As such, unless you have a waiver you cannot fly over anyone at all, transitory or not. You can get shots from the sides of the event. But in order to get to the other side of the event, you'll need to find a path that won't go over anyone.