The mere mindset that Hobby/Recreational "need" to fly over 400' in Controlled Airspace baffles me.
Even Part 107 operations have to adhere to 400' or the LAANC height in Controlled airspace (there are some grey areas but that's not relevant to this conversation). Why does a hobbyist "NEED" to fly any higher in CONTROLLED airspace? It was just a few weeks ago NO hobby flights in controlled airspace at all....
Your statement, "It was just a few weeks ago NO hobby flights in controlled airspace at all..."
Is Wrong!
I used to call my nearest airfield & was allowed to fly within the 5 mile limit of a Class D airfield every time. I did this for over a year & a half. Then that no flying in controlled air space came up for about a month while the FAA was introducing LAANC. Your statement infers that UAVs were never allowed in controlled airspace.