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Federal Terrorism Act?


Nov 4, 2017
I have been 107 certified for about a year. I live in Louisiana. I carry a copy of La. laws and FAA rules and regulations with me everytime I fly. Well I was approached the other day by local law enforcement right before I was to take off. He asked what was I going to do. Told him just flying to get video of the water tower for a project. He told me it was not allowed and he could shoot it down under the Federal Terrorism Act. Never heard of it. Has anyone else?
FYI: I wasn’t flying no where near people, personal property or a targeted facility under Louisiana Law.
<sniff sniff> I smell BS. Remember those old movies where the local yokel cop would bust your taillight with his nightstick and then write you a citation for having a taillight out? That's kinda what was going on; Barney Fife decided he didn't want you to fly your drone and he made up whatever BS story he felt was necessary to support it.

But rather than argue with an armed, unethical douchebag, I would have high-tailed it outta there and come back some other time to get me footage. :D
I have been 107 certified for about a year. I live in Louisiana. I carry a copy of La. laws and FAA rules and regulations with me everytime I fly. Well I was approached the other day by local law enforcement right before I was to take off. He asked what was I going to do. Told him just flying to get video of the water tower for a project. He told me it was not allowed and he could shoot it down under the Federal Terrorism Act. Never heard of it. Has anyone else?
FYI: I wasn’t flying no where near people, personal property or a targeted facility under Louisiana Law.

He was confused. If he were to shoot it down he would be in violation of Federal Law (18 U.S. Code § 32 - Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities).
For him to try and shoot down a drone? For an officer to fire his weapon into the air....he better have a REALLY good reason to do that on his police report. I would have gotten his name and driven straight to his police station to tell them about it.
<sniff sniff> I smell BS. Remember those old movies where the local yokel cop would bust your taillight with his nightstick and then write you a citation for having a taillight out? That's kinda what was going on; Barney Fife decided he didn't want you to fly your drone and he made up whatever BS story he felt was necessary to support it.

But rather than argue with an armed, unethical douchebag, I would have high-tailed it outta there and come back some other time to get me footage. :D

From past experience with law enforcement, I politely “agreed” with him and went on my way. Will go to the proper personnel soon to discuss this with them.
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For him to try and shoot down a drone? For an officer to fire his weapon into the air....he better have a REALLY good reason to do that on his police report. I would have gotten his name and driven straight to his police station to tell them about it.
Will get with the proper authorities to discuss this with them. This isn’t my first experience with LEO that do not know the law or rules concerning drones. Just threw me for a loop with the Federal Terrorism Act bs line.
Fool me once....
I think trying to politely explain the actual law and situation will often work. Except when it doesn't . I think you probably subconsciously understood that was the situation. There are ego driven people everywhere. It has been my experience not to argue with them, but rather take the issue to the next level. In his case his superior. Not to seek discipline but rather education.

Reminds me of a story. I worked for a major utility company. My roll was to be responsible for the poles. One early morning on my way to work I encountered a closed road due to a car hitting and breaking a pole. I stopped, put my official safety gear and company identification on. These scenes are dangerous to the untrained. I have the training and test equipment. Upon reaching the area a local police officer.. doing exactly what he should be doing .. keeping the public at a safe distance stopped me. Yelling at me, he told me to keep back. I explain who i was and my work function. Again he yelled for me to leave. I told him that I replace these broken poles. He replied he shoots people. Are you what ran through my head. I just said. Ok good..hope you lean to replace the poles too. I left the scene. When the town called me I explained that the officer on site had threatened to shoot me and I was not comfortable putting myself or my people in harms way. For eight hours the local police had to protect the scene. By then the chief was very willing to educate him. (Btw.. no houses were without power. No people were in danger. Just a popular cut through street was closed).
Will get with the proper authorities to discuss this with them. This isn’t my first experience with LEO that do not know the law or rules concerning drones. Just threw me for a loop with the Federal Terrorism Act bs line.
Fool me once....

So.. Here is the deal with Police. Just like any job, you have good workers and bad workers. I don't blame all LEO's because one guy didn't know what he was talking about. My neighbor down a few houses is a local LEO. He advised me that I should stay calm. Turn on my voice recorder and listen to what the officer has to say. If you know 100 percent that you are right, ask for a supervisor. Explain to the supervisor your side, hand him the FAA registration card, any documentation you carry with you on laws both state and federal. Stay calm and if you are still told you can't fly, you should go to the station the Supervisor works at and ask to speak to someone. This isn't for everyone. Some people will just go along whatever they are told. Me, I would rather educate so that the next guy doesn't have this problem but the bigger picture is that educating the office rand the supervisor in turn educates his entire shift.

My view could be entirely wrong but this is what I was told to do if I want to help the drone community.

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