Brett, I guess there are 2 things but neither of them magic.
1. Up until very recently I've been shooting with gimbal settings "straight out of the box". I'm guessing the ability to be really smooth comes from 25 years as a Camera Operator. Sport is particuarly helpful practise where moving the weight of your foot from one to another, or even a breath at the wrong time, on a long lens will shake the camera. The rule of thumb is twice as close, twice the shake... and on 40X zoom that is a real challenge! Additionally we operate the zoom rocker on those lenses which has to be exceptionally well controlled in a very subtle way.
2. For immediate help though, the best I can do is get you to try changing pitch speed to 10 and smoothness to about 25, but the other REALLY key thing is DON'T put your thumbs on top of the joysticks, in fact they should be right at the bottom, you don't push them , you subtly lean on them, if you practise that you will do much better! Also slower is better.