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first 24 hours with it - two issues....


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2017
Hi All,

Love the flight characteristics so far - fast when needed and silky smooth when in tripod mode.

Two issues though -
1) Really washed out video and pictures. I have left every thing as auto except switching to Sunny once for WB. I get the zebra stripes almost everywhere there is a light area. I know I can manually override this (change ISO to 100 etc) but I was hoping out of the box auto would give me 'good enough' results. The color profile is set to Natural. Do you think there is a sensor issue or did I overlook something? I see on the forum here there are several settings for best video but those are all manual.
2) The bloody craft keep saying there was an obstacle in front but I was at 300 ft and not facing the sun. I also see in the forums about this issue but it seems to be only when facing the sun and the plastic labels left on. Neither of these apply. I can live with this and turn it off if needed.


Leaving everything in auto, do you see an EV rating on the screen saying +1 or higher? That's an exposure value you can adjust with the right RC wheel. Bring it down to 0.0 or even -0.3. The setting is there even in auto, to let you compensate for snowy scenes or deep sunsets which should not be mid-tone, but maybe got dialed up accidentally.
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For 1) Turn down the EV using the right hand upper wheel until you have a 0 EV.

For 2) Check that the sensor windows are clean, have no clear stickers attached. A forward sensor calibration might be in order.
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Polarizing ND filters make the image WAY better, highly recommended. More color and saturation.

Also what everyone else is saying turn the EV down a notch or two (E V is Exposure Value compensation).
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Leaving everything in auto, do you see an EV rating on the screen saying +1 or higher? That's an exposure value you can adjust with the right RC wheel. Bring it down to 0.0 or even -0.3. The setting is there even in auto, to let you compensate for snowy scenes or deep sunsets which should not be mid-tone, but maybe got dialed up accidentally.

ahhh yes! It was showing +2.3 now. I have set it to 0 and will try again tomorrow in the same light conditions. Cheers!
For 1) Turn down the EV using the right hand upper wheel until you have a 0 EV.

For 2) Check that the sensor windows are clean, have no clear stickers attached. A forward sensor calibration might be in order.

Thanks on both - The forward sensors are sticker free and clean. I will try the calibration. Cheers.
Polarizing ND filters make the image WAY better, highly recommended. More color and saturation.

Also what everyone else is saying turn the EV down a notch or two (E V is Exposure Value compensation).

OK yeah that must have been it. The ND filters from DJI were back ordered. I think I will get them from amazon. Thanks.
ahhh yes! It was showing +2.3 now. I have set it to 0 and will try again tomorrow in the same light conditions. Cheers!

Wow, yeah +2.3.... out of a possible +3 is VERY bright, no wonder it was totally blown out. I'm sure you will have much better results :)
Thanks on both - The forward sensors are sticker free and clean. I will try the calibration. Cheers.

The front sensor calibration requires that one install the DJI Assistant 2 software and plug in a usb cable to the side port on the Mavic Pro.
Yes - the dial was causing the over exposed video. Perfect now!
Thanks all.
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