Hi BudWalker, thanks for that info, I have been trying to collate the data files and can't locate the flight that refers to, I'll keep trying.I took a look at some of the other .DATs from the tablet. There were 3 or 4 from the Spark that didn't have any useful data because a flight didn't occur. From the Mavic flights there was on additional flight - FLY033.DAT. It exhibited some of the same behavior as the incident flight, i.e. magYaw and Yaw would separate.after rotating.
View attachment 27115
When you get your Mavic back maybe we can do some experiments with the LOC8TOR.
1) calibrate the Mavic
2) do a "fake" flight where the Mavic is rotated 2 or 3 times by hand - don't start the motors and fly
3) attach the LOC8TOR
4) another fake flight
5) calibrate
6) another fake flight
These files seem to be very hard to find going by dates and times.
I look forward to these experiments when I get my drone back.
I don't expect it for a couple of weeks as DJI have not received it yet, It has been in the post for 1 week.
Maybe DJI will have some information after analyzing the DAT files in the Mavic.