Well, just did my first flight with the
M3. I am coming from an
M2P that I only flew with the
SC, and a Mavic Air before that. These are initial thoughts, and I haven't taken a moment to retouch the raw pics that came out of it. I did load some of the JPGs from the telephoto lens though, and they are below. I only did stills, no video yet. So here are my initial, gut reactions (this was an unscripted test, especially around the photos, so keep that in mind):
Pre Startup
- Feels slightly lighter than the M2P, though the metrics show they are pretty close.
- LOVE the "bra" for the gimbal and blades. So much easier than mucking around with the gimbal protector on the M2P. Coupled with the overpriced FMC bag, I may not need a different case, for my uses (YMMV).
- Overpriced FMC bag is actually pretty nice and a definite step up from FMC bags of the past. Not sure it is worth $300, but I did buy the combo, so there it is. I think it will fit nicely on one side of my roller carry-on, which suits my needs perfectly.
- The controller with my phone attached is crazy light, feels like a toy. Curious to see what it will feel like with the Tripltek on it. Pretty sure I will forgo the RC Pro, given the way they handled things on the SC.
- The SD card access kinda sucks. Like all the way back to the Mavic Air sucks. Need to do the tape trick again - it worked great on the MA, didn't need it on the M2P.
Post Startup
- On the ground it is definitely more quiet. In the air, I feel like I could hear it for a good long ways, so that's probably a draw vs M2P.
- Range is crazy impressive. Against both the M2P and my DJI FPV, I kept a solid signal well past the point the others would have had interference. I am not going to go into range's, I'm not a distance hound, I just wanted to go see some things.
- The telephoto worked for what I inferred was the intended purpose (based on the binocs for an icon) - I saw a plume of smoke in the distance, and with the tele, I was able to see if it was interesting enough to fly over there. So yeah, it's good for scouting. And maybe that's all the intended it for. The JPG's below were actually shot with the tele, and are straight out of camera, so you can make your own decisions about that. But I do see a use as opposed to all the "this camera is worthless" statements being made. Of course, being on the M2P, I didn't have zoom anyway, so it's not hurting me to not have it here anyhow.
- The battery run time - OMG, yes. When I am just out playing, I can totally see myself using all 3 batteries. It was AWESOME to do everything I did today in about 30 mins on one battery, without having to come back and change out. Totally worth it for me. Having that kind of time in the air, I can spend more time working on composition to get the right shot. Or I can shoot a bunch from a bunch of different angles. Could I be more efficient? Probably. Do I care? No, this is fun.
- Using the phone was OK (took me back to the Mavic Air days), but I miss the heft of the SC, and everything being under my thumbs. Will I adapt - of course. And the heft of the Tripltek should help.
- Flew like a dream. Only did Sport and Normal modes, didn't try Cine yet (the new name for Tripod or whatever).
- I'll post edited RAW's when I get some time to play with them in Lightroom.
Conclusion - I like it, and I don't have buyers remorse. Hoping for some killer beach sunrise shots on Saturday.
Here are the JPGs. It's a new restaurant being built on the river by my house. Click on the pic to go to the Flickr page for the photo if you want to see bigger versions or the EXIF info.