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First time programming a flight on my DJI Air 2S. What should I use?


Jul 17, 2021
I fly a DJI Air 2S and have been given an assignment to capture photos of various points on a construction site at day and night. I have rough coordinates and will need to take the photos (one for each cardinal direction) at varying heights. I've never preprogrammed a flight before, but I think this might be a good time to do so, especially since I'll need to capture the same angles/heights at two different times. I've been doing a quick search, and it doesn't appear that the Air 2S can do this with the DJI Fly App. It appears Litchi may be an option. Are there any other solutions or apps I should consider? (free is great, but I don't mind paying if it's worth it)
Correct... there isn't any native DJI Fly waypoint mode for the Air 2s, but Litchi will do a mission like yours easily that you can repeat day/night, just design the mission on your computer through the Litchi hub... and then even use the free Virtual Litchi Mission program ( get it here: Virtual Litchi Mission ) to test fly your mission on Google Earth before trying it out for real.

And no... nothing that get waypoints to an Air 2s can be acquired for free.

Just bear in mind that a waypoint mission isn't stored on the Air 2s (other models from DJI can...), instead it's continuously sent from the RC to the drone during the execution, so see to that you doesn't lose the RC-drone connection.
Correct... there isn't any native DJI Fly waypoint mode for the Air 2s, but Litchi will do a mission like yours easily that you can repeat day/night, just design the mission on your computer through the Litchi hub... and then even use the free Virtual Litchi Mission program ( get it here: Virtual Litchi Mission ) to test fly your mission on Google Earth before trying it out for real.

And no... nothing that get waypoints to an Air 2s can be acquired for free.

Just bear in mind that a waypoint mission isn't stored on the Air 2s (other models from DJI can...), instead it's continuously sent from the RC to the drone during the execution, so see to that you doesn't lose the RC-drone connection.
Thank you!
I fly a DJI Air 2S and have been given an assignment to capture photos of various points on a construction site at day and night. I have rough coordinates and will need to take the photos (one for each cardinal direction) at varying heights. I've never preprogrammed a flight before, but I think this might be a good time to do so, especially since I'll need to capture the same angles/heights at two different times.
Litchi is the way to go. You might also be interested in a Litchi utility that helps you design a mission to take photographs at the cardinal directions. It can be found here:

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I've used Maven Pilot extensively and works well for this type of mission. It's something like $20 on the app store, but no ongoing subscription or fees needed.
Haven't used it in the field yet, but seems like it could do the trick. They have a free version and I've planned flights on the PC and loaded to my RC but have yet to fly a mission. seems like it could do the trick...
Unfortunately this will not do the trick for the OP's Mavic Air 2S...

Their service seems to be nothing else than support to design missions, then the native DJI Waypoint function is used to fly it... all drones that they support already have a waypoint mode (Mini 4P, Air 3 & Mavic 3 series).
Unfortunately this will not do the trick for the OP's Mavic Air 2S...

Their service seems to be nothing else than support to design missions, then the native DJI Waypoint function is used to fly it... all drones that they support already have a waypoint mode (Mini 4P, Air 3 & Mavic 3 series).
I have an Air 3 so maybe that is why Litchi won’t work for me.
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