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Flying Air2s up to 2000m altitude

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Go to a place like this to test, standing behind bushes or big tree so that nobody will see you, no police around.
Then fly the drone forward 200m, and straight up to 2000 ~ 3000 m.
Test the limit.

face mountain.png
I feel you’re yanking our chains.
I begin to think you are correct, he beings to remind me of the 'far eastern' guy who was here who used to post riduclous waypoint flight videos and eventually crashed......again.
Given that at least one mod has seen the thread I am a bit surprised it is being allowed to run.
The OP doesn't seem to want to 'listen'
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Tons of Air2s Youtube Video flying above clouds, you can check it out.
Every adventure has risk, this is how human's society can progress. :D
Notwithstanding all of the above, why would you want to fly at this altitude, or have I missed something 🤔
tons of Air2s Youtube Video flying above clouds
That's no recommendation. quite the reverse in fact.
It would be interesting if you would document some of these supposed flights with their .txt flightlogs.
I wonder if you have the hard evidence to support the existance of your supposed flights, if so would you care to post it qand let others examine it i.e the .txt flight logs? ....... or is all your posting ..... hot air ?
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My country has the law 120m, however, nobody will care if accident does not happen.
Go big field facing jungle and Fly up to 2000 m or 3000 m should be ok.
It’s not OK. You would be putting lives at risk of manned commercial passenger jets. Completely illegal as well.
Going to mountain side no aircraft, how can airplanes flying near mountain?
Flying to 2500m is a Thrill.
Wind is not so strong in sunny day.
how can airplanes flying near mountain ?

Go to a place like this to test, standing behind bushes or big tree so that nobody will see you, no police around.
Then fly the drone forward 200m, and straight up to 2000 ~ 3000 m.
At 2,000 -3,000m "straight up" you are not going to be close/"near" to any of those mountains, besides

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Because some thing worked one time doesn't mean it will work every other time .

You asked if it was safe to fly up to 2,000 - 2,500 m, assuming you are talking about straight up then, no, it is not safe and @AeroJ gave you a very good answer.

Are you trying to argue against his answer ?

Flying 2,500m up the slope of a mountain might not break 120m AGL but it's still risky because of winds, it is also well out outside your VLOS.

Will it turn turtle in strong wind, unlikely, but it is quite likely to be blown away and lost.
Additionally, even if you are going up the side of mountain, the wind turbulence near the top depending on which direction it is blowing could also create problems, it has even taken down manned helicopters.
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This Tom Cruise Topgun :D
Normal airline will not fly near mountains.
These are not exactly fighter aircraft, are they ?

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Going up to 1000m is easy job, and quite safe, when I was 1500m, no message of strong wind.
I am using 7500mAh battery, power is enough.
I just need another 500m to go up to 2000m, in Sunny day usually wind is not strong.
Well if anything, if you do not heed the above warnings, we will most likely have a new educational video on Drone Crashes showing others what not to do when they watch your drone disappear into nowhere land, or a thousand pieces. Or read about the latest arrest of a drone pilot.
My Air2s was hacked with Drone-hack licence, unlimited height.
I have a 7500 mAh battery, big size,
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?
will it turn turtle when wind is strong?
I am not being confrontational, but I have to find out...why did you even bother to ask your question here?.....It is clear that the facts are just confusing you and that your mind was already made up to break laws and fly in an unsafe manner. The answers you are receiving all say NO not do it .. your selfish attitude will just bring unwanted focus and attention to the hobby for all of us
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?
No, absolutely not!
And if you do, you are selfish and stupid, and you become one of those idiots that give authorities more reasons to impose even stronger restrictions for drone flying.
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"I agree with " Peak level stupidity some would call it, including me, I'm afraid !
Going up to 1000m is easy job, and quite safe, when I was 1500m, no message of strong wind.
I am using 7500mAh battery, power is enough.
I just need another 500m to go up to 2000m, in Sunny day usually wind is not strong.
I suggest you just go do it then. The people here are telling you that it's not safe, not smart, etc. You choose to not listen which is up to you, so quit trying to convince us that you are somehow better/smarter.
My Air2s was hacked with Drone-hack licence, unlimited height.
I have a 7500 mAh battery, big size,
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?
will it turn turtle when wind is strong?
The simple answer to your 1st question is NO.Your second question's answer is probably.So the 1st answer is all you need.
You are a good example of why drones have a bad reputation. My car will run 200 mph but I use common sense and respect the laws.. But common sense is very uncommon. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Daniel2300, I feel you’re yanking our chains. Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest does exist. You have been informed… it’s your call. For the sake of safety and the welfare of others…NO.

Hopefully some of his family will be on the plane he hits.
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